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Eu.V. Mishenin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Ukrainian Academy of Banking (Sumy, Ukraine) I.I. Koblianska, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics Department, Sumy National Agrarian University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 105-116
Language: Russian
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The aim of the article. The article highlights the lack of effectiveness of existing system of education management in Ukraine from its basic function performance – to satisfy the needs of social and economic system of human resources, according to the required quantity, quality, educational culture, right place and time with the lowest public costs.
The results of the analysis. The article is focused on the forming of organizational and economic bases of the use of logistic approach in the management of education system. Logistic approach is considered as an instrument to ensure the optimal parameters of education system functioning and development in accordance with the needs of society (employers, learners) with minimal public costs.
It is pointed out the need to create organizational and managerial mechanisms of active integrative interaction, both between educational institutions and employers, between educational institutions of various levels of educational system in order to improve the functioning of educational institutions and the education system as a whole.
It is grounded the necessity of accentuation of social-labor flow as the main object of logistical management in education. It is proposed to consider national education system as a logistic chain. It includes all structural elements of the educational system, the parties of the education system control and employers, which are involved in formation and movement of social labor flow. It is stated that they must be considered as constituting single integrated logistic chain of forming the competitive human and intellectual capital. Its functioning requires the implementation of procedures of external and intra-evaluation of social labor flow parameters and their conformity to the needed. Among the evaluation tools the psychological-pedagogical diagnostics is highlighted.
It is grounded the need to analyze total costs in order to optimize the social labor flow movement. They include costs, related with forming and movement of social labor and attendant flows (informational, financial and material) and losses, nascent as a result of inefficient organization of flow processes in education sphere. It is proposed to use the range of tools, which promote forming and development of integrative interaction between structural elements of education system with the aim to minimize total logistic costs of social labor flow movement. Among those tools the following are highlighted: diagnostics of psychophysical characteristics and competencies of learners; assessment of training quality, material and technical maintenance of educational process; integrated training programs; fellowship programs; contract regulation, etc. The implementation of integration tools needs the corresponding improvement of state policy in the sphere of education, employment and vocational guidance.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The main directions of such improvements are the following: further profilization of grammar school; development of informational, legal, personnel, methodical, material and technical support of diagnostics implementation and forming the order of documenting and the use of diagnostics results; further development of informational maintenance of education.
Keywords: education system, logistic approach, social labor flow, logistic costs, psychological-pedagogical diagnostics
JEL Classification: I21, I28, J24.
Cite as: Mishenin Eu. & Koblianska, I. (2015). Organizational and economic bases of logistic approach usage in the management of national education system . Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 105-116.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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