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Authors: Pages: 154-162 Language: English DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The purpose of article is to show the position of Ukraine’s research in the sphere of new substances and materials in world context, and what types of new materials are the most perspective in that moment. The results of the analysis. The article includes the results of the analysis in the field of new substances and materials in the world and particularly in Ukraine. The author says that there are a lot of definitions of the term “advanced materials”, and there are some points of view what advanced materials are and how it makes influences to economic development. The author allows that the sphere of researching in the field of advanced materials and substances is actual and it is in the focus of the scientific community. The author has analyzed what countries are leaders in this direction and why they got their positions. The most important idea in the article is how low-income countries can take part in this direction of scientific researches. Ukraine is one of the examples which show how a low-income country can develop its own research in the field of advanced materials and substances. In addition the author has researched European Union’s experience in innovation policy and innovation sphere and particularly in the field of advanced materials. The scientific importance of the article is demonstration, how low-income countries like Ukraine can develop scientific research in the field of new substances and materials with poor funding and weak government institutions. If to talk briefly about the research results, we should mention the following. Scientific research in the field of new substances and materials is the significant part of the research activities in general. It is quite difficult to appreciate the importance of this area, but it is possible to say clearly, that development of new compounds and materials is at least one fifth of all physical and chemical researches. The most important scientific directions in the sphere of new substances and materials are: development of new types of semiconductors, development of nonmaterial and all related technologies, development of new types of catalysts. Conclusions and prospects for further researches. This area of research is quite undeveloped, and there are a lot of directions, which are not well investigated. Moreover, this sphere is one of the most dynamic, and in the nearest future it will strongly influence the innovation activity as a whole. So, this sphere is one of the most important as factor of innovative development. There is high probability that in the future there will be several totally new materials, which can change production principles at all. For example, the use of semiconductors completely changed the principles of the electronics industry in that time. This area is important for every researcher in the sphere of economics, because as we say about some aspects of innovation activity, so we should mention about connection between the intensity of innovation activity and results of scientific activity (the emergence of new innovative products needs new construction materials with totally new physical properties). Keywords: new substances and materials, innovation policy, innovation in low-income countries, implementation of innovation, innovation and competition JEL Classification: O32, O38. Cite as: Sichkarenko, K. (2015). Development of new substances and materials in the world and in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 154-162.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine