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A. Brzozowska, Dr. hab, Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, Institute of IT Economics, Czestochowa University of Technology (Czestochowa, Poland) D. Bubel, Dr., Czestochowa University of Technology (Czestochowa, Poland) A. Kalinichenko, Dr. hab, professor, professor of Process Engineering Department, Opole University (Opole, Poland), professor of the Department of Economical Cybernetic and Information System, Poltava State Agrarian Academy (Poltava, Ukraine)
Pages: 175-186
Language: English
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The aim of this study. Sectors of the food economy create systems which existence is dependent upon effective communication. Because they operate in a turbulent market environment, they need information about customers, competitors or allies in order to create a trust atmosphere that will lead to the increased interest in their products or service.
The results of the analysis. It should be emphasized that globalization implies social acceptance, which takes place on the market and is reflected in the fact that there are buyers for products or services. In terms of the food economy it is a continuous process involving collection and transmission of information which will be used in an appropriate manner, in order to create competitive products or services. Entities operating in the food economy can therefore function only on the basis of effective communication management, which may affect their innovation and competitiveness. Internationalization and globalization of the food economy postulate new communication needs, thereby emphasizing the role of communication in dealing with the environment in which the primary source of profit become the information and methods of their identifying and sharing.
The studies refer to the application aim in the aspect of communication in the food economy sector. The discussion is theoretical and is based on literature on the food economy sector in the context of effective communication management. Evaluation of the pace and scope of the development of communication management is one of the significant research areas in the food economy sector. Such evaluation should be a starting point for formulating further strategies and programs for the economy development.
The authors undertook a study which, through concentration on communication management, fills a significant gap in literature dedicated to identification of a communication system in the aspect of a supply chain and as an element of strategies of food industry enterprises.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Effective communication requires appropriate management aimed at achievement of success by an enterprise in the form of strong and stable market position. Communication management should be understood as a system that is oriented towards durable relationships with market participants, basing on partnership that underlies building of these relationships and achievement of long-term benefits. Thus, we should stress the importance of integration of decisions and instruments in the process of managing the activities undertaken as part of communication. Comprehensive communication, which consists in integrating the participants of the communication process around clear and coherent message when offering benefits to consumers, requires an effective management and creation of mechanisms of strategic links. The effective management of communication has a significant impact on all kinds of activities in the sector of food industry, especially market operations. Communication in this area refers to interaction between the participants of the supply chain and execution of market transactions. The impact of effective communication management is especially visible in the processes of planning and implementation of such elements of the supply chain as supply, stock control and logistics.
Keywords: communication management, food industry, food market, logistic, distribution
JEL Classification: Q02, Q13.
Cite as: Brzozowska, A., Bubel D. & Kalinichenko, A. (2015). Communication management in the aspect of the food industry. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 175-186.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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