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L.G. Melnyk, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 233-244
Language: Russian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to study key-factors of forming economic systems in conditions of the Third industrial revolution and to predict the main directions of their development. On the basis of trialectical approach (assuming the trinity of the interaction of material, information and synergetic origins) it is proposed the preconditions for beginning and development of the Third industrial revolution. Regulations of new socio-economic formation, the basis of which forms «green» (sustainable) economy are studied.
The results of the analysis. The following conclusions might be done on the base of the author’s studies. The main properties of green economy are:
– sharp decline of ecodestructive processes of production and consumption; this is achieved by the transition to renewable sources of energy and renewable material resources, as well as the abandonment of fossil fuels and combustion processes for energy production; today renewable energy sources, reaching in some countries (Germany, Denmark, Sweden) 20-30% of the energy production have practically replaced the nuclear power that allows to displace nuclear energy development program;
– computerization of all spheres of economic and social life; one of the directions of this was creation of digital control systems: «smart» manufacturing operations, sites, shops and factories, «smart» cities and communications; «smart» regions and countries; the result is a significant increase in the efficiency of the economic processes implementation;
– dematerialization of industrial metabolism of society, i.e. reduction of resource intensity (material and energy consumption) of the processes; it is achieved by using 3D-printer, the widespread introduction of additive methods of goods production, miniaturization, increased functionality and convergence of consumer goods (i.e. convergence) of their properties;
– naturalization of materials and processes, i.e. approximation of their properties to the properties of substances and processes that exist in the natural environment;
– netting of social processes involves formation of integrated systems that are combined into a unified whole activities of individual elements, as it occurs in natural ecosystems, eventually forming a harmonious single biosphere.
The contours of the formed «green» economy are compared with the characteristics of «the spacemen economy» which image was formulated by K. Boulding in the middle of the ХХ century.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. It is foreseen the following directions of the further researches: analysis of preconditions for transformation during the Third industrial revolution of three groups factors of economic systems forming: (1) material and energy; (2) information; (3) synergetic (communication).
Keywords: «green» economy, «spacemen economy», renewable resources, information, dematerialization, netting
JEL Classification: L52, Q48, Q51, Q58.
Cite as: Melnyk, L. (2015). Ecological and economic features of «spaceship Earth», or Horizons of the third Industrial Revolution and «Green» Economy. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 233-244.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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