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Authors: Pages: 41-48 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to study the particular basic methodological components of the pricing management at tourism enterprises. The results of the analysis. Pricing management is the part of enterprise’s management. Price reflects its results to some extent through the level of cost, the system of marketing approaches to pricing. The effectiveness of the creation and usage of pricing depends on information support of management processes that should be provided by the information system of an enterprise. That is the price of tourism products that clearly demonstrates the interdependence and mutual influence of the factors of external and internal environment that should be considered in pricing processes. It highlights the problem of necessity to combine the efforts of tourism enterprises and state in the economic development through tourism development. The basic methodological components of the pricing management at tourism enterprises are considered in the article, including determination of goal, tasks and the stages of the implementation of pricing management. Implementation of pricing management should ensure the fulfillment of overall strategies of tourism enterprises. This mechanism should be carried out in accordance with the proposed steps. The basic component of the price of a tourism package is the cost of tourism services stated by their producers that enhances the impact of their pricing policy on the pricing of tourism enterprises. The function of the tourism product’s price is offered that allows to take into account its dependence on a wide range of factors. The set-theoretic model for the price of tourism product is offered regarding diverse composition of tourism products, different tourism consumers, the conditions of tours’ realization and the expected outcomes for tourism enterprises. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Pricing management is an integral part of the management of tourist enterprises. It plays an important role in the ensuring their efficiency and high competitive position in the tourism market. Pricing management of tourism enterprises should be based on methodological principles that provide an opportunity to choose the right methodological approaches to determine the price of tourism products, which has a specific character due to significant reliance on a wide range of factors. Such components of the methodological principles of pricing management in the tourism enterprises like the goal, tasks and stages of the implementation mechanism. The proposed function of the price of tourism product allows tourism enterprises to take such dependency into consideration to improve the pricing process. The proposed set-theoretical model of the price of tourism products demonstrates the composition and the occurrence character of its elements. Further researches should improve the problem of methodological approaches to the determination of the price of tourism products and their usage to manage the pricing of tourism enterprises. Keywords: price management, price, tourism product, tourism enterprise, methodology, price model, price function JEL Classification: D40, M21. Cite as: Ivanova, V. (2015). The methodology of pricing management at tourism enterprises. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 41-48.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine