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O.A. Bilovodska, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and MIA, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) O.F. Gryshchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing and MIA, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) L.O. Syhyda, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing and MIA, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 73-79
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The aim of this research is to form an order of enterprise distribution system development in bases of previous investigations of regional logistics potential.
The results of the analysis. Nowadays there are a lot of methods for territories’ logistics potential measuring. Previously this term was given in consideration with amount of cargo transported and implemented through the territory, but now it is supplemented by quantitative and qualitative aspects of logistics processes in the region.
Authors claims that logistics potential of the region is a sum of existing and potential elements and factors of logistics infrastructure, which help to form and distribute material and accompanying flows. Forming and using of the logistics potential is aimed to ensure timely and effective movement of logistics resources with a minimum cost.
The structure of logistics potential, which influences on validity of decisions connected with the distribution channels formation in specific region, was improved. It was proposed to identify such elements of the regional logistics potential as: transport potential; storage potential; transit potential; human resources potential; customers and sales potential; marketing and services potential; advantages of the economical and geographical position, or dimensional potential.
Thereby, use of the system of regional logistics potential monitoring will allow creating conditions for logistics service improvement and rational distribution system choice. Logistics potential of the region is a key factor that influences positively or negatively on the process of distribution. Generalized scheme of distribution system development in terms of certain region and its logistics potential was formed by the authors.
Consequently, taking into account regional logistics potential will help enterprise to consider all advantages and peculiarities of the region and decries potential risks. That, in turn, will stimulate development of distribution system that will absolutely meet needs and peculiarities of the region.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. As a result, investigation on regional logistics potential, on base of proposed structure, allows identifying logistics status of the territory more efficiently on any level (city level, regional or country level) and facilitating well-organized distribution system in specific region. Future investigations will be targeted to identification of the logistics potential of Ukraine’s regions, and recommendations making.
Keywords: logistics potential, region, structure, diagnostics, distribution system
JEL Classification: M30, R11.
Cite as: Bilovodska, O., Gryshchenko O. & Syhyda, L. (2016). Development of the enterprise distribution system taking into account the regional logistics potential. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 73-79.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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