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N.P. Tarnavska, Ternopil National Economic University (Ternopil, Ukraine) O.S. Golodniuk, Ternopil National Economic University (Ternopil, Ukraine)
Pages: 11-27
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of article. The article aims to develop and study the conceptual model of marketing innovations provision in competitive advantage management system of mineral waters producer companies to form a innovation portfolio for a particular company.
The results of the analysis. The necessity to provide on innovative orientation to manage the competitive advantages through the development and implementation of marketing practices in innovation on the basis of the multidisciplinary approach was substantiated. Scientific novelty of the research includes the formulation of marketing innovations in management competitive advantage concept as an ordered set of scientific statements and related methodological guidelines and provision of innovative marketing competitive advantage that creates the highest potential for successful operation of the business entity in a dynamic market environment.
The authors offered the definition of marketing innovations in management competitive advantage provision as the process of ideas, scientific knowledge and competencies of marketing trends transformation into the innovative product that is used in an enterprise or is monetized to increase innovator’s business value on the basis of the growing share of latent competitive advantages held by the company.
The transition from the set of empirical data to the synthesis of the market trends on mineral waters market of Ukraine was provided within the developed concept. The national market was divided into two groups (due to global economic processes and the national character) to define environmental research challenges of the market.
A classification feature «hierarchy of innovations» with the further its division into conceptual and applied was distinguished. A business model as the one that is central for the successful operation of any enterprise in a dynamic market environment changes was singled out.
It was proved that marketing innovation should be considered as an integrative organizational resource that is a combination of product innovation (improved or new) that is derived from intellectual capital investment in the new forms, techniques and marketing methods to increase innovator’s business value for a long period by creating an environment that form mostly latent competitive advantages, provides self-transformation and progressive socio-economic systems at the micro level.
Conclusions and directions for further research. Results of the study suggest that the use of the theoretical foundations will create a solid foundation for the development of mineral waters producer companies’ own models that provide marketing innovations in competitive advantage management system with a focus on the growth of their latency. The model blocks contain all the elements a company should consider to ensure competitiveness on a dynamic market.
Further scientific research require the deployment of the following areas: to deepen the interdisciplinary study of the conceptual foundations of competitive advantage marketing support to meet the challenges and the challenges of a dynamic market environment; to monitor strategic marketing innovation and develop on this basis the tools of competitive intelligence and counterintelligence while creating a system of companies’ economic security; to form the basis for demarcation of innovative changes in marketing activities from seasonal, regular and other routine procedures in marketing technologies that are not marketing innovations.
Keywords: competitive advantage, providing, marketing innovation, innovation process, concept, company, business model, organizational resource, management system
JEL Classification: L66, M21, M31, O31.
Cite as: Tarnavska N. & Golodniuk, O. (2016). Providing of marketing innovation in the competitive advantages of the management system in the mineral waters producer companies: concept, organizational resource, results. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 11-27.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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