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K.M. Khaustova, Mucachevo State University (Mucachevo, Ukraine)
Pages: 180-190
Language: English
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The aim of the article. Analysis of economic processes at the macro level that determine conditions of modern innovation progress of enterprises in Ukraine, development practical recommendations for their use in strategic planning.
The results of the analysis. The tendencies of innovation of domestic enterprises show their significant dependence on the macroeconomic situation and its dynamics, as evidenced by statistics. In this context, the strategic decisions on innovation require analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic factors.
Based on a systematic analysis of the literature and practice of innovative management were systematized basic macro economic factors that indirectly affect the level of innovation activity of domestic enterprises with the release of the following groups: investment, financial and market. Correlation-regression analysis has revealed dependence volume of innovative products from these factors.
The index method was used for the analysis of all these factors to determine their level and areas of influence on the development of innovation activity. The index method is to identify deviations of parameters of each factor from the average values for the entire period of observation As a result, determined that innovation activity of enterprises is under the influence rather turbulent macroeconomic factors.
This creates a significant threat to the introduction of new technologies and the implementation of innovative projects because increases their riskiness and makes impossible calculations of ROI. The most significant barriers of innovative development are: the reduction of state support for science, technology and innovation funding, rapid and unpredictable devaluation of national money, currency restrictions and unpredictable decisions to change the NBU discount rate.
Determined, that promising opportunities to enter the European market and increased domestic competition producers contributed to the emergence of some positive trends in 2015. These include increasing the share of enterprises that implement innovations, increasing volumes of innovation costs, improved their structure thru the production of new types of equipment and active implementation of organizational and marketing innovation. We have predicted development of factors, which showed this trend, will continue in the future.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Considered the study methodical approach and the results of the analysis can be used by enterprises in conducting a comprehensive analysis environment or target performance. Further research should focus on the methodical approaches to the estimation weight to macro factors influence innovation enterprises in individual industries and economic activities.
Keywords: innovation, innovative activity, macroeconomic factors, financing, investment, exports of innovative products, indices deviations
JEL Classification: O31, O32, E2, E6.
Cite as: Khaustova, K. (2016). Estimation the impact of macroeconomic factors on the innovation activities of enterprises in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 180-190.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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