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Authors: Pages: 235-242 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of article. The purpose of the article is to improve and formalize methodological approaches to staff recruitment at labour markets. The results of the analysis. The integral result of the study is the following. The author systematized the main problems of the staff recruitment according to the subjects of the employment process (or their place of origin): 1) on the part of the applicants: – inflated / deflated self-esteem; – incorrect understanding of their own capabilities, abilities and aptitudes; – incorrect assessment of their own physical and mental health; – incorrect formulation of expectations from the new position (inflated, deflated or inadequate); – willful false responses in the survey (in order to get a better position); – inaccurate responses in the survey (due to misunderstanding of the nature of questions); – popular or prestigious professions preference, but not those to which the applicant has more talent; – providing inaccurate personal information (false or willful); 2) on the part of employers: – wrong definition of the criteria list to be met by applicants; – inflated requirements to applicants; – the best quality choice among applicants, but not employees for teamwork; 3) on the part of Heads of Labour Markets (as well as employment agencies): – lack of adequate supervision of Labour Market specialists activity (i.e., the quality level in the staff recruitment for specific employers orders); – lack of motivation to improve the skill level of subordinates; 4) on the part of experts on recruitment: – recruitment of the best available applicants, rather than looking for the applicants who fully meet the requirements; – not precise understanding of the requirements for applicants; – the use of inappropriate methods for the applicants recruitment. Such systematization of major problems can determine the direction of management decisions aimed at improving the process of recruitment more accurately. The essential characteristics of methodological approaches that are used while working at Labour Markets are studied. It is indicated that they can determine the following: – professional orientation of a person; – special features of the higher nervous system; – intelligent features; – emotional and volitional sphere of a personality etc. Classification of methodological approaches to staff recruitment enhanced with the classification characteristics «as intended» is improved, allowing everyone to share all methodological approaches to general and specialized. In the future it will allow to differentiate questionnaires and formalize the process of staff recruitment in the first stage. The main directions of formalization of methodological approaches to staff recruitment at the Labour Market is determined: – determination of the recommended list of common procedures to select applicants; – determination of the recommended list of specialized procedures to select candidates for the position; – development of methodological approaches to complex assessment of the applicant. Conclusions and directions for further research. The results of this study can be used in the Labour Markets practical activity as well as employment agencies. Taking into account that the issue of developing integrated universal procedures have not been thoroughly unexplored and exhausted yet, the certain statements of the study can be the basis for further scientific research. Keywords: staff, methodological approaches, characteristics, classification, labour market, recruitment, occupation, tests JEL Classification: J23, J40, M12. Cite as: Bozhkova, V. (2016). Methodological approaches to staff recruitment at labour market. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 235-242.
Sumy State University
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