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N.V. Kuzminchuk, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine) T.N. Kutsenko, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 269-284
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of article. The aim of article is development and justification of the directions of an effective strategy of regional development based on quantitative evaluation and analysis of the socio-economic potential of the region.
The results of the analysis. In the article the methods of quantitative evaluation and analysis of the socio-economic potential of the region (in terms of regional resources), resulting in a set that is still no unified system of regional development and general methods of combining these indicators into one integrated quantitative index. All this creates problems when assessing and managing the development of the region. Based on the concept of socio-economic potential of the region, proposed the evaluation of regional resources to carry out the following blocks: human resources, property potential social potential.
Summarizing the analysis of views of scientists on the possible assessment of the level of socio-economic potential of the region, we note that despite the constant improvement of definitions and study the factors that influence its components (human resources, property potential social potential) scorecard is imperfect and methodical approach to determine the integral index of socio-economic potential – incomplete or representative.
The value of the proposed approach is the ability to explore and comprehensively assess the current level of social and economic potential of the region at any given time. The proposed system of indicators to assess regional resources will solve the problem of lack of unity in the evaluation of selected indicators and provide an opportunity to determine the main direction of improvement of regional development based on the results. The main directions of effective strategy of regional development based on the results of quantitative assessment and analysis of the socio-economic potential of the region should increase national wealth by optimizing the use of resources in the region.
Conclusions and directions for further research. Given the common goal of social and economic development and the need to determine the direction of development of the region for the long term, the prospects for future research aimed at developing new approaches to the study of regional resources in terms of their ability to provide current and future needs of the population.
Keywords: regional development, regional resources, quality of life, quality of life and social and economic potential of region, potential of regional development
JEL Classification: R58, I31, J24.
Cite as: Kuzminchuk N. & Kutsenko, T. (2016). Approaches to diagnosis social and economic potential of regions as the basis for effective management strategies. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 269-284.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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