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L.G. Melnyk, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
Pages: 342-352
Language: Russian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to analyze factors contribute to the transformation of economic systems in conditions of the Third industrial revolution.
The result of the analysis. The definition of the third industrial revolution (T. i. r.) as the multidimensional complex phenomenon is given. Its key features are characterized. They are: the transition to renewable energy sources and raw materials, mass introduction of additive technologies and network manufacturing systems, digital base of fixing and transmission of information, the formation of the horizontal production and consumption patterns, solidary forms of economic relations. The reality of perspectives of renewable energy sources introduction are confirmed with the facts of their development dynamics. Since 2000, the volume of alternative power has doubled: on the sun 7 times, and on the wind 4 times. Under each doubling of energy production its costs is reduced on the sun by 24%, and on the wind 17%. It is shown the functional possibilities of additive technologies: unlimited design versions; free provision of complexity; free provision of variability, minimal waste; production for individual demand; exclusion assembly step; direct materialization of information. Basic groups of the T. i. r. innovations in energy, raw material, technological, organizational and economic sections are characterized.
Conclusions. The Third industrial revolution allows to transit to renewable resources and additive technologies. It creates the foundation for a significant reduction in specific resource consumption for conventional unit of human vital functions. The conditions for horizontal production-consumption structures and solidary forms of economic relations are created as well.
Keywords: third industrial revolution, renewable resources, additive technologies, basic innovations, prognostication
JEL Classification: O31, O32.
Cite as: Melnyk, L. (2016). Innovative horizons of the Third industrial revolution: economy, power sector, ecology. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 342-352.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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