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Authors: Pages: 113-120 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the artile. The aim of the article is to develop the estimation and connected demand analysis at labour and education markets of the university according to their main segments, to develop marketing strategy of Higher Education Establishments. The results of the analysis. The process of the labour market and educational service market interaction is long and endless. There is a problem of the real estimation taking into account interaction in different conditions. To improve the estimation the revolutionary labour and education markets interaction it was offered to use the coefficient of cross-quantity elasticity connected demand, which demonstrates dependence relevant change of demand volume for educational service on the necessary education service market from its own volume of demand change by qualified workers of the given profession at the labour market as well as offer of cross-quantitative elasticity. If the dynamic of demand for the education service and the dynamic of demand for the given qualified workers are directed differently, this indicator has negative value if they have one direction, the meaning of the factor will be additional. Interaction of education service market and labour market takes place under the influence of objective processes in accordance with the level of productive forces and working interaction gained as well as subjective circumstances which are marked by specific agreement between the subjects on the given markets. The estimations demonstrated that segment «Law Science» at the education service market does not need any additional state financial maintenance but additional experiments as for the demand structure at the given labour market as for separate specialties. «Economic Science» education market segment needs a definite financial maintenance; Institutions of Higher Education have to change financial policy as for the service directed to the decrease of education fees to welcome extra purchases. Special attention of the government should be directed to the education service market segment «Technical Sciences». First of all, it is necessary to stimulate demand of the definite specialists with the rise of their work price. This will stimulate the increase the demand at the given sector of education service. The problems of this segment cannot be solved only by the measures of influence to the labour market. To stop the following deinstrusturalization of Ukraine’s economy and stimulation of home industry modernization one should introduce the necessary complete state programs to maintain a real sector economy with the use of budget financing instruments, tax and credit preferences. It is necessary to maintain «Humanities» segment of the education service market to stop the deficit of the given specialists at the labour market, for example, by decreasing the price of education service. «Architectural and building sciences» segment can be described as the one, which doesn’t need state interference at the moment and is in a definite balance with the given education service market. State interference is necessary in education service «Medical Science» segment to stop specialists’ deficit in the given field in the future. This segment differs from the rest of segments by high education prices but further qualified specialists get not high salary in greater part of the employees’ sector, which is bigger, than private. Thorough recommendations can be used on the state and municipal level as well as on the level of separate educational establishments to form the strategy of their development. Thus, the improvement of economic mechanism of markets’ interference (education service market and labour market) foresees differentiation of the given measures at studying of education service market complete. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The given research results have shown that the use of indicators of cross-quantitative elasticity, connected demand in marketing of education service at education service of Higher Education Establishment’s marketing compensates the falls of marketing instruments which exist in the given sphere that helps to take into account the data at the stage of creating marketing strategies of Institutions of Higher Education as for the correspondent demand dynamics in separate segments of the labour market and similar education service of the Institution of Higher Education market segments. The gained estimations may be used as an advertising element of the education service of the Institution of Higher Education and as an indicator of competition of separate market segments of this service in accordance with the specialists’ training. Prospective of the further developments in the given direction is connected with the adaptation of the given instruments to the sphere of professional-technical education, renovation of which becomes more and more important as a factor of the country’s reinductrialization. Keywords: education service market, labour market, connected demand, coefficients of cross-quantitative elasticity, marketing strategy of higher educational institutions JEL Classification: I28, J24, M31. Cite as: Ambrazhei, O., Lebedeva V. & Tarasevich, V. (2016). The use of indicators of cross-quantity elasticity of connected demand in education service in the Institutions of Higher Education. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 113-120.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine