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S.M. Illiashenko, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) | University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biala, Poland) Yu.S. Shipulina, , Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) N.S. Illiashenko, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) G.А. Komarnicka, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)
Pages: 231-241
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The article aims to deepen theoretical and methodological principles of forming a system of knowledge management at the organization as a tool to apply its potential of innovative development, strengthen competitive advantages, ensure its sustainable development in permanently changing conditions of informational (post-industrial) economy.
The authors assume that creating the organizational and economic mechanism of knowledge management will ensure high competitiveness of organizations and their innovative growth in the concept of innovative advance. This mechanism will determine priority directions for knowledge production regarding world (industry, market) trends and available potential; choose effective ways to apply these directions through creation and implementation (commercialization) of product, technology, management and other innovations. This hypothesis is based on the idea that knowledge is the main factor of competitiveness at the present stage of economic development.
Results. Authors systematized sources (instruments), methods of obtaining and application of different types of scientific, professional, technical and technological knowledge. Authors proposed structural and logical scheme of knowledge production at an organization that reflects the role of potential subsystems – PIR, as well as components of its innovation culture in this process. The methodological approach to building the managing system of production (obtaining) and application of knowledge at the organization was developed as a tool for implementation of PIR, enhancing competitive advantages, ensuring sustainable development in permanently changing conditions of informational (post-industrial) economy based on rapid adjustment of PIR to these changes. Authors proposed structural formula for assessing alternative sources (instruments) of knowledge production and application in order to select best options for a particular organization, regarding its external macro and micro environment. The role and place of knowledge management (management and marketing of knowledge) in the management of businesses’ innovative development was determined, features of knowledge complexes interaction were described. These complexes characterize external macro and micro environment and innovative potential of a particular organization matching its internal and external development capabilities of formation and implementation of strategies for its innovative growth.
Conclusions. The results form foundations of organizational and economic mechanism of knowledge management at the organization. The implementation of this mechanism will, reasonably determine promising directions of new knowledge production for specific areas of activity and patterns of market processes; determine the rational directions of application, implementation and commercialization of new knowledge; will enable elaboration of innovative development strategies in the concept of innovative advance. Results substantially deepen the theory of innovation management and marketing of innovation for the formation of prerequisites of knowledge management (production, storage, use) at innovation-active organizations.
Further research should focus on developing methodological foundations and forming the base of criteria for effective production process management (receiving) and knowledge application at the organization.
Keywords: knowledge management, marketing knowledge, capacity for innovation development, production of knowledge, use of knowledge
JEL Classification: M14, O33, M20.
Cite as: Illiashenko, S., Shipulina,, Yu., Illiashenko N. & Komarnicka, G. (2017). Knowledge management in the system of organization’s innovative development. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 231-241.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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