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A.P. Kosenko, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) M.M. Tkachev, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) T.A. Kobielieva, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) N.P. Tkacheva, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 242-252
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to develop scientific methods and approaches to determine the amount of economic losses that are producers of original products in violation of their exclusive rights to the technology market.
The results of the analysis. The authors have proved that an important factor that hinders the fight against violations of exclusive rights is the almost complete lack of scientifically-based methods of determining the economic losses incurred by copyright holders, which does not allow the relevant authorities more or less exact values of economic loss. All of this involves the development of an appropriate scientific base for the calculation of direct losses from counterfeit activities, and accompanying losses, lost profits and moral damage extent.
The processes infringement of the exclusive rights of the original manufacturer (license) technology products on the market. The essence of economic losses as a category that is that compared with the optimal development of business process entity carries additional property losses or income received in full. This may occur in the form of damages and additional costs in the form of loss of profit (missed income). A believe that loss of profits is the income that the holder could really get under normal circumstances, if his right was not infringed. In this case it is not a real loss of a person or entity that has made or will make, and about the income that it would wipe due to violation of intellectual property rights.
The first time the size determines profits considering the potential of the company to get it. This is due to the degree of use of the owner of their production capacity. This proposal is based on the following assumption: if the company has fully deployed its production capacity, while for profits are not possible. This plays an important role values utilization of production capacity and its production capacity for the manufacture of this product at this time.
Methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of the size of the profits holders (licensees) in violation of intellectual property rights. It is formed block-structured approach to determining potential owners dropped and mathematical model of determination.
Theoretical proposals authors illustrated with specific examples from the practice of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises. With the aim of obtaining the necessary for calculations information requires the examination of the amount of actual losses based on the analysis and research of the retrospective practice of similar violations, determine terms of violations of the exclusive rights obtained by the offender of income, opportunities, and plans of the owner, as well as determining the presence and depth of the relationship between these factors.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. At the time the infringement of exclusive rights to results of intellectual innovation and industrial activities (counterfeiting) in different types of products acquired industrial character. Central to the criminal economy as the most important component of the informal economy takes market of counterfeit products.
The authors of the methodical provisions on economic evaluation of the size of profits in violation of the holders of exclusive rights, the size of which the first is due to the degree of use of the owner of their production capacity.
At this time there is a need in estimating direct and collateral economic damage in violation of the holders of exclusive rights. There needs to be research and evaluation of the size of moral damage, which occurs when illegal activities of unscrupulous subjects technological market.
Keywords: enterprise potential, rights holders, counterfeit, exclusive rights, damages, lost profit
JEL Classification: O10, O31, O33.
Cite as: Kosenko, A., Tkachev, M., Kobielieva T. & Tkacheva, N. (2017). Determination of lost profits of rightholders from counterfeit goods. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 242-252.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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