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V.S. Boichenko, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)
Pages: 271-279
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the research. The aim of the research is to study the characteristics of the organizational and economic support of the reforming management of development of old industrial region, which is the base for the formation of the concept of reforming the regional management.
The results of the analysis. The organizational and economic reforming management of development of old industrial region provides for the development of relations between a wide range of institutional structures that create preconditions for development of the industry, and for the development of the entire region. The conceptual aspects of such reforms are: self-organization of the production process of industrial objects industry; state and local planning, organization and coordination of the development of the industry and the companies that provide it.
Organizational and economic reforming management of development of old industrial region should include:
1. Information about the state of the external market environment.
2. Information about the state of the internal environment of enterprises.
3. Regulatory ratios and proportions of resources to focus on their entire industry.
4. Analysis of the enterprise potential and assess their potential.
5. Planning, shaping and adjustment of the organizational and economic changes.
6. Institutional support program for the formation of targeted interventions.
7. Implementation and control of the changes through the development of a specific mechanism.
Despite the problems that exist in the old industrial regions and based on the characteristics of enterprises in these regions, it should be noted that the main components that need to be reformed, today, are:
1. The innovative manufacturing update.
2. Overcoming structural deformations in the industry.
3. Investing in the real sector by attracting strategic investors.
All these components are closely linked, because without investment is impossible to provide an innovative upgrade and reshape the industry structure, and without the willingness and capacity of the industry to innovate impossible to raise additional funds. The process of organizational and economic support of innovative activity in industrial enterprises should include specific steps that, taken together, form functional connections between objects, subjects, funds, methods and other components of innovation. Reforming the management of the development of old industrial regions to overcome the structural deformations in the industrial sector should include the following activities:
– increasing the share of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries;
– reduction of dangerous anthropogenic impact on the environment;
– decrease in orientation on the external market;
– conversion of old industries to those that correspond to the current state of scientific and technical progress.
The investment component of reforming management of development of old industrial regions, other than the investment of resources should also include methods of mobilization and deployment, tools and levers of influence on the investment process, that is to be developed investment mechanism. That is, like the previous two components, an innovative component should provide a legal, institutional and economic framework for reforming management of development of old industrial regions.
Conclusions and directions of futher researches. Thus, the feature of the organizational and economic support of reforming management of development of old industrial region is that it must be carried out in three interrelated components. Which, in turn, have their own particular organizational and economic support, with specific attitudes, methods, principles and forms of implementation.
It was noted that the study of features of organizational and economic support of reforming management of development of region is the impetus for the development of a common concept development of reforming of management in the region, which, in turn, should be the goal of future research.
Keywords: organizational and economic maintenance, reforming, management of development, old industrial region, innovation, investment
JEL Classification: Н70, R58.
Cite as: Boichenko, V. (2017). Features of the organizational and economic maintenance of the reforming management of development of old industrial region. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 271-279.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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