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M.V. Artiukhina, SHEE «Donbass State Pedagogical University» (Slovyansk, Ukraine) A.V. Popova, SHEE «Donbass State Pedagogical University» (Slovyansk, Ukraine)
Pages: 52-61
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of «social potential of the organization» and the quality assessment of forming social potential of the organization by the SMM-marketing tools.
The results of the analysis. Under the social potential of synergetic the set of motives and attitudes of economic subjects in its internal and external environment is meant, the impact of which is determined in the effectiveness of reaching the goals of the organization and increasing its economic potential.
Social potential of organization is a complex system. According to the characteristics of the properties the «social potential of the organization» is a holistic set of homogeneous components – the motives and attitudes of stakeholders of the organization. As in any other system there are defined links between the «social potential of the organization» and its elements. The more links between elements of the system are formed around the organization, the greater its social potential is. Connections can be characterized by giving the power indicator. Power relations between the elements of «social potential of the organization» can be defined after considering the intensity of information flow and other resources among stakeholders of the organization. Also you should take into account the qualitative characteristics of information flow or other resources (value, usefulness).
The next property system of «social potential of the organization» is the presence of a particular organization, which is manifested in the reduction of entropy. The existence of the organization in the given system is, in fact, updating (formation) significant relations of the elements, ordered distribution of links and elements in space and time. The processes aimed at increasing entropy of the system can be reduced with the help of effective management.
The next feature of «social potential of the organization» is an integrative property, i.e. the quality that is inherent in the system in general, but not inherent to any of its elements separately. An important feature of an integrated property of the «social potential of the organization» system is above all the presence of a synergistic effect in the mind of the market, which is associated with the formed basis system of guidelines concerning the organization, its image, market place and so on.
Conclusions and directions for future researches. A steady social structure around the organization can be built with the help of social networks. Social capacity resulting from such a structure can be converted into economic, not only through the sale of goods or services of a given structure, but also due to the fact that members of the network can serve as a development organization participating in the mobilization of all its production processes. To increase the capacity and preserve relationships within the social network between its elements (individuals) all available tools of SMM-marketing must be used. First of all we mean quality content, advertising services using social networks, online merchandising elements and specific search systems which are constantly changing.
Perspectives for the further research are seen in determining the detailed structure of the social potential of specific organizations and developing the methods to assess the social potential.
Keywords: social potential of organization, social network, social structure, SMM-marketing, management
JEL Classification: M14, M31, P32.
Cite as: Artiukhina M. & Popova, A. (2017). Social potential of the organization: the essence and management of SMM-marketing tools. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 52-61.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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