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K.S. Bezgin, Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa, Ukraine) A.A. Kulga, Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa, Ukraine)
Pages: 94-114
Language: Russian
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The aim of the article. Evaluation quality management processes of creating innovative values at domestic enterprises and their comparison with the worldwide trends to determine transdisciplinary conceptual directions of innovative activity development.
The results of the analysis. The article carried an overview of the development of an innovative component of Ukraine at the international and macro level, the analysis of which is designated a number of trends in the national innovation system, contrary to the logic of global development of innovative infrastructure and human capital, as well as the recommendations of international experts in the field of innovation. The assessment of the quality management processes of creating innovative value at the enterprises of machine-building and metallurgical industries is carried out, resulting in identified key trends in the development aksiogenesis on the main functional areas, which made it possible to systematize and compare them with transdisciplinary trends in the transformation of innovative processes at the forefront of foreign enterprises, and to formulate the conceptual directions of their development and offer a number of social humanitarian technologies focused on the evolutionary transition of domestic of business entities on a non-linear paradigm of innovation development.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Further development of the theory and practice of management processes of value creation requires the development of relevant theoretical and practical imperatives of taking the complexity of postmodern society and the consumer in this society. Transformation of consumer interpretation leads to the devaluation of the traditional models aksiogenesis based on the rationality of the subject of consumption, linear and normative paradigms. Improving the quality management process of value creation and overcoming the contradictions between the theory and practice of innovation of domestic enterprises, possibly through the elimination of the traditional position of an external observer, through the inactivation of a business entity in the market flow of increasing complexity.
Further research is necessary to form scientific and practical base of the inactivation of business entity in the market flow, which involves the development of a methodology aksiogenesis, which is based on transdisciplinary approach, nonlinear and behavioral paradigms of innovative development models postnonclassical rationality, positions of society sustainable development, epistemic conceptualisation object values.
Keywords: aksiogenesis, innovation, quality, collaboration, management, value
JEL Classification: D46, L20, М11, О32.
Cite as: Bezgin K. & Kulga, A. (2017). Diagnostics trends of management processes of the innovative value for enterprises. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 94-114.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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