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L.Yu. Melnyk, Uman National University of Horticulture (Uman, Ukraine)
Pages: 269-279
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of the article is the development and validation of the structural model of the intellectual and creative paradigms of the knowledge economy as ecosystem of the welfare state.
The results of the analysis. Based on the analysis of the economic paradigms the basic paradigm of our study was defined. The structural scheme of the model of the intellectual and creative paradigms of the knowledge economy as ecosystem of the welfare state was proposed. The core of this model is a cognitive creativity. The second level (protective shell) of this model form such types of activities: scientific-educational, innovative-greeting, information and communication. And the third level of this model contains the results of the mentioned types of activities – intellectual (structural) capital, human capital and social capital.
The cognitive creativity as the imperative in the structure of the model of the intellectual and creative paradigms as ecosystems is substantiated.
Staging of cognitive creativity as the imperative paradigm for the formation of the knowledge economy, technology and social interaction in the development of the information society, understanding the new way of being – this is our attempt of conceptualization of current trends, awareness and consideration of which leads to a new civilization.
Cognitive creativity is the creation of a qualitatively new integrated systems in the internal space of corporations, institutions and organizations shaping the modern market space in the context of globalization, and more details of the «prescribed» internal social space. Lighting and exploring novel forms of cognitive creativity emphasizes the expansion of the modern understanding of scientific and technological development of the information society from forms of cognitive engineering in a form that has a social transformative effects. We are talking about new approaches to the development of modern engineering knowledge, creation of databases and knowledge bases. Cognitive creativity actualizes the transition to a new scientific and technological areas – artificial intelligence, which forms an image of the information society, based on nudesouth, objective cognitive social development.
The science has invented the new form of its existence. For the first time was the beginning of a new way of development through cognitive development (abstraction, hierarchy, creation of views and logical models) ability to create external symbolic structures of knowledge, objectively existing forms of reality, which manifest themselves in the new functionalities of the companies. The social justification for the existence of a science of knowledge materialization in the form of technology is gradually moving into the sphere of culture, turning its functioning on the basis of education, knowledge economy, human capital formation.
In cognitive creativity bet on the person and his potential is the greatest. People are fully involved as an integral personality in the unity of the conscious and the unconscious. Here we get a qualitatively new form of government based on open and honest communication, a combination of a person’s interests with the interests of the team, frankness of assessments, and the voluntary assumption of responsibility – a quality that borders on wisdom as the ability to access and to design the future, finding this the only possible, the most accurate form of implementation.
Theoretical development of environmental future versions and scenarios of co-evolution in nature and society, industrial development in the practice of the information society become the foundation for intelligent sensor systems that are marked by objectivity, independence, and receiving input from human activity, the inclusion of this information in the industrial, social and community development. Therefore, building a complete ecosystem, consisting of different platforms, makes the question a combination of economic, social and environmental dimensions in a practical plane.
Conclusions and directions for future research. Paradigm shifts in economic theory define the main areas of current and further research from the point of view of their methodological foundations and tools, which represents a cumulative process of knowledge accumulation and gradual release of qualitatively new theoretical approaches and explanations that are interrupted by discrete implementations of methodological and instrumental innovations.
Principal activities and their expected performance of intellectual and creative paradigms will be discussed in subsequent publications.
Keywords: knowledge economy, paradigm, cognitive creative, paradigm simulation, information society, information economy, intellectual capital, social capital, human capital
JEL Classification: D83, O11, O15.
Cite as: Melnyk, L. (2017). Paradigm modeling studies of the formation of a knowledge economy in the information society. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 269-279.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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