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I. Babukh, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi,Ukraine)
Pages: 15-22
Language: English
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Innovative processes in Ukraine have not received sufficient scale and do not become dominant in the GDP growth. There is almost never used capacity of non-technical (institutional) market innovations, especially promotional ones. Relevance of special study of innovative marketing due to the innovative way of development that is dominant for a modern economy. In this commercialization of market innovations is one of the most important conditions for the development of innovative economy – and this requires active use of innovative marketing. But in economics there is no developed coherent theory of innovative marketing as a separate direction in the marketing system, there is no single conceptual (paradigm) approach to determine its essential characteristics. Aim of the article is to attempt a theoretical understanding of development of innovative marketing through the prism of commercialization of market innovations as the exclusive task of the latter with a focus precisely on the “market” and not the actual “technical” understanding of the process of commercialization.
Innovative marketing – it’s not just an activity aimed on the development and promotion of market innovations- goods, but similar activities regarding to marketing innovations – approaches. Dominance in the marketing system of “technical” approach when innovative marketing dealing with promotions process of inventions due by the tendency of orientation of innovation activity, based on the capabilities of the enterprise, not of the needs of the market, i.e. essentially innovative marketing is precisely subordinated to capabilities the company.
As the main criterial task of innovative marketing is defined commercialization in terms of that it and innovative marketing characterize activities related to the development, promotion, and most importantly, with the lifecycle management of innovations-goods, and market innovation-approaches. Such theoretical approach has “market” view, which describes commercialization as a new form of marketing activity, due to the penetration of the market in those areas that still had no idea of commercial interest to businesses. According to this approach, commercialization – is initiated by the emergence of market innovation process of transforming the existing market structure to a new one, conversion of existing markets to new ones.
Composition of tools of commercialization as the appointment of innovative marketing has a “non-linear” relationship: the key role is given to positioning that is and should be an imperative in the commercialization of market innovations. The last one is represented as nonlinear process with plural forms of inter-stage interaction. Thus, innovative marketing serves as the marketing activity aimed at commercializing of market innovations and innovative approaches. The implementation process of commercialization thus can be defined as an exclusive objective, key function, the appointment innovative marketing.
Keywords: marketing, innovation marketing, market innovation, commercialization, tools of commercialization, positioning, lifecycle management, segmentation
JEL Classification: M31, O3.
Cite as: Babukh, I. (2017). Commercialization of market innovations as exclusive task of innovative marketing. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 15-22.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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