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О.Yu. Yemelianov, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) A.L. Vysotskyi, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) A.V. Symak, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) T.O. Petrushka, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Pages: 198-212
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is a further development of the methodical fundamentals of the demand evaluation for the production of the machine-building engineering industry taking into account the needs of consumers in goods for the manufacture of which these products are used, And producers’ need for upgrading their main means of production.
Research results. Methodical fundamentals of the demand evaluation for the production of the machine-building engineering industry are improved. Two types of consumers demand for the machine-building products are determined: demand, conditioned by the need to replace worn-out and morally obsolete equipment, and demand, conditioned by the need to expand the park of equipment.
A model is proposed for determining useful term of certain equipment units exploitation (some kind of machine-building products) in the case of information availability on the actual level of equipment exploitation in each year of the period of the equipment actual use and regulatory useful duration of machinery products variety operation in case of its full load.
A method of functions construction is developed which describes changes over the period of demand for the machine-building products of a certain link of manufacturing chain of the machinery products variety for the purpose of its extended reproduction in natural or monetary units of measurement. These functions can be used in particular to identify patterns of the demand formation for engineering products of various links in the chain of labor means production. For example, the performed analysis showed that to ensure a constant (stable over time) demand for the products of machine-building enterprises which produce means of labor for the production of end-use goods, function that describes the change in time of the demand for these products should be quadratic.
A method of determining the final value of demand for a variety of machinery products is proposed as the sum of the demand size in accordance with the related needs in a simple and expanded reproduction of this equipment. Two possible cases were singled out: when the production capacity of enterprises – potential consumers of engineering products in part of this production in the preceding period (periods) was used completely, and when the level of such use was less than one.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Assessment of demand for the machine-building enterprises production faces significant challenges which are caused by the fact that demand for most types of machinery products is determined by combined action of various factors. However, we may define the main factor – namely, the expected demand of machine-building products in reproduction of equipment which are applied by consumers. It is necessary to take into account the existence of two types of fixed assets reproduction – simple and advanced which, in turn, determines the existence of appropriate two types of consumer demand for the machine-building products. The proposed demand evaluation method for the machine-building products makes it possible to diagnose marketing opportunities for its producers in the medium and long term perspective, which, in turn, provides machine-building enterprises with an appropriate guidance for the development and implementation of management decisions regarding formation of a successful supply potential. Further study on the demand assessment for products of machine-building enterprises should be focused on the improvement of methods of obtaining and processing data on demand for innovations in the sphere of machine-building.
Keywords: demand, production, machine-building enterprise, evaluation, model, reproduction
JEL Classification: D11, C13, C53.
Cite as: Yemelianov, О., Vysotskyi, A., Symak A. & Petrushka, T. (2017). Methodical fundamentals of the demand evaluation for the production of machine-building enterprises. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 198-212.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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