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N. Yudina, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 245-256
Language: English
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The problem of the human disorientation under the conditions of the information society was analyzed in the article. It was investigated that the process of the innovative creation is complicated by the information overload. This problem grows worse on the enterprises’ level in order of the consumers’ indifferentism to the marketing tools and the creation of the startup-projects that are used by the business to survive in the economic crisis. On the one hand, the startup-project developing is the new order of the investigations. On the other hand, it is the part of the marketing of innovations and the management of the innovations. But existing tools need to be adapted to the specific characteristic features of the information society and the startup-project developers need the detail practical guidance notes to develop the startup-projects.
The aim of this article is the creation of the detail methods of startup-project developing under the conditions of the information society.
The results of the analysis. It was investigated that under the conditions of the information society the implementation of the based on experience aposterior approach to the creating and developing of the startup-project is more effective. According to this approach, the methods of the startup-project developing were proposed. It improves upon and adopts the traditional strategic planning and decisions making process to the specific features of the startup-project developing under the conditions of the information society. It consists of the five stages: searching the startup-project idea, the business plan of the startup-project, searching of the sources of funding, the startup-project realization, estimation of the startup-project efficiency. The detalization of each stage of startup-project developing and practical guidelines were developed. The author’s model of the “four-dimensional thinking” was proposed that was developed for the first stage of the startup-project developing process as the effective way to adapt the startup-project developers to the rapid changes in the velocity and the big amount of the information in the information society. The author’s model makes it possible to formalize the process of searching and creating of the innovative ideas to the methodological guideline of the practical recommendations under the conditions of the information society. The development of the technique of the information management based on the four-dimensional thinking was proposed. The technique allows the information management efficiency to rise up by orienting it in order of the four vectors of dimensions, namely; the thinking in the plane of the interdisciplinary information; the thinking in the time dimension, which includes the “historical filter” and the “futurological filter”; the thinking in the “discipline vertical” dimension of the traditional knowledge and the innovations. The detail practical recommendations of other four stages were developed.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The methods of the startup-project developing were proposed to the startup-project developers. It includes five stages and it is adapted to the conditions of the information society by the special four-dimensional thinking of the startup-projects developers. The proposed methods are simple and easy to implement in practical activity tools. The prospects for the further development and investigation are the practical implementations of the methods of the startup-project developing at the levels of different industries and at the enterprises’ and startup-project developers’ level.
Keywords: informational chaos, chaos control, four-dimensional thinking, information society; information management, startup, startup-project
JEL Classification: О310, М300, М290.
Cite as: Yudina, N. (2017). Methods of the startup-project developing based on ‘the four-dimensional thinking’ in information society. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 245-256.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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