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V. Tyshhenko, Research Centre for Industrial Development Problems of NAS of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine) N. Bielikova, Research Centre for Industrial Development Problems of NAS of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine) V. Ostapenko, Simon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 294-303
Language: English
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The aim of the work is to design cognitive models that will be favourable in macroeconomic situation, to identify the most effective tools to enhance cooperation in the context of both partners pooling their resources.
Results of the research. To determine the factors that contribute to the stimulation of PPPs it is suggested to use cognitive modelling. There are positive aspects of the chosen research methods. Cognitive model shows causal relationships among factors that contribute to the promotion of PPPs and is presented as a formal dependence. In the first phase of the study it was formed the system of factors and distinguished them into two general groups by the expert professionals in PPPs. In the second phase it was constructed the matrix for definition of relationship of causality and direction of influence among the chosen factors. The model of relative trust factor “Investments” is presented in the form of cognitive map, which is a sign graph. It includes the most important links. It was identified the factors that affect the interaction that stimulate public and private partners for PPPs. It was based on the installation of causal relationships among the set of factors using cognitive modelling.
Another way of static analysis of cognitive model search is finding stabilizing and destabilizing (reinforcing instability) circuits. The greater number of simultaneous effects (in different ways) exists among the concepts, the stronger mutual influence is.
It is presented the most important direct links among factors (those connections that are clear in the representation of experts) on the cognitive map. But it also requires information on implicit (indirect) mutual influence factors for a full analysis of the causal effects of the set of factors on the activation process of PPPs. It was considered the outlines, in which a target concept of cognitive model “Investments” is presented.
It was determined the directions of development of the cognitive model (as detailed disclosure of meaningful indicators of the interaction between public and private sectors, clarifying identified functional relationships and causal relationships among factors of the system), which determine the possibility of setting up as a key element of the mechanism management decisions in the context of PPPs enhance the light of available empirical research base. It is possible to choose a suitable strategy for raising the activation of PPPs in Ukrainian regions based on the analysis of the relations of consonance, negative and positive impact. Filling developed model specific numerical values will take into account the peculiarities of the system of PPPs and preferred directions of its development through ranking the degree of impact on the system as a whole.
The practical significance of the results of the study is that the proposed in the modelling tools of control the interaction of public and private sectors, which includes an assessment of regional economy effects of management actions can be used by leaders of public organizations to improve the validity of the choice of strategies, formulation of objectives for sectoral cooperation and methods of achieving them.
Conclusions. Cognitive technology of analysis and modelling allows to solve complex and uncertain situations quickly, comprehensively and systematically describe, justify and on a qualitative level to offer solutions to problems in a given situation, taking into account various factors of environment. It is possible to choose a suitable strategy for raising the activation of PPPs in Ukrainian regions based on these factors. Filling the specific content of the model will take into account the peculiarities of the system of PPPs and preferred directions of its development through ranking the degree of impact on the system as a whole.
Keywords: public-private partnership, cognitive modelling, symbolic directed graph, consonance, dissonance, economic reforms
JEL Classification: L53, L92.
Cite as: Tyshhenko, V., Bielikova N. & Ostapenko, V. (2017). Cognitive modelling in process management of public-private partnerships intensifying in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 294-303.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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