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T. Zhadan, NTU «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» (Kharkov, Ukraine)
Pages: 326-335
Language: English
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The aim of the article. Analyze the current state of resource base of fat-and-oil industry and to identify the main problems of development in Ukraine.
The results of the analysis. The article deals with the current state of resource base of fat-and-oil industry and identified the main problems of its development in Ukraine. A result of analyzing of the current state of development of the resource base of fat-and-oil industry found that the main oilseed raw materials, which has the greatest industrial importance for the fat-and-oil industry of Ukraine are sunflower seeds, rapeseeds and soybeans. Production of major oilseeds in Ukraine is characterized by positive dynamics; the highest proportion of sunflower in the structure acreage and harvests of oilseeds; gradual transition from extensive to intensive mode of production, as evidenced by the increasing productivity of oilseeds. It was found that the total supply of oilseeds in the domestic market of Ukraine is formed by domestic production. The main focus of distribution of sunflower is domestic consumption, which is formed by recycling it domestically, rapeseeds and soybeans – export component, due to zero export duty and high world prices. To the key issues of resource base of fat-and-oil industry in Ukraine include: a significant shortage of oilseeds productivity compared to their biological potential, advances in breeding and the world level; the annual increase in the cost of production of oilseeds; a low level of provision agricultural producers the main types of agricultural machinery and a high degree of depreciation; lack of financial and credit; the poor state of infrastructure, storage, transportation and sale of oilseeds; strengthening import dependence on the market rapeseed and sunflower; domination of foreign breeding innovation developments over national ones.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Given the current state and the main problems of resource base of fat-and-oil industry in Ukraine, its further development requires improvement of organizational, economic, technical, technological, financial, credit, information and innovation ensuring the production of oilseeds, improved inter-sectoral and intra-sectoral economic ties and relations capable to provide increase the level of workload processing capacity of oilseeds raw in the required quantity and required quality. In this regard, directions for further author’s research should be the definition of strategic guidelines of fat-and-oil industry of Ukraine, according to which will be made legal, financial, credit, organizational, economic and other state regulatory impact on the industry.
Keywords: fat-and-oil industry, resource base, sunflower, rapeseed, soybean, sown area, gross collection, yield, profitability
JEL Classification: Q10, O13, L70.
Cite as: Zhadan, T. (2017). Current state, main problems and directions of innovative development of fat-and-oil industry resource base in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 326-335.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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