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P. Pererva, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) | Higher School of Labour Safety Management – WSZOP (Katowice, Poland) T. Kobielieva, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) M. Tkachev, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) N. Tkacheva, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 79-86
Language: English
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The aim of the article. The main purpose of the article is development of methodical provisions of the definition of industry Park electrical automation, has no independent technological purposes. Object of research are machine-building enterprises of the Kharkov industrial region.
The results of the analysis. The problems of determining the marketing characteristics of the market capacity of products which do not have independent technological purposes. As the object of study selected electrical automation. It is proved that the most important characteristic of the market capacity of goods are the demand for them, which consists of several components. To determine the requirements for electrical automation and maintenance of technological equipment under operation, you need to know the industry Park. The technique of determining industry Park, products which do not have independent technological purpose and which are not maintained inventory records. For example, electrical automation of the basic steps of this methodology.
To determine industry Park electrical automation is proposed by studying their applicability (actual presence) in any one kind of the main process equipment industry Park which is known in advance or can be set in a scientific and proven methods. In particular, while defining industry Park low-voltage equipment as a basis we can take the main types of the main technological equipment, asynchronous motors with power up to 100 kW, the amount of generated or consumed in the sector of electricity, etc.
The determination of the direction of research depends on the sector under consideration and its characteristics. A selection of basic representative, which is determined by the ratio of applicability of the EA in this field cannot be uniquely determined. The authors propose to determine the coefficients of applicability is not for one product but for several, vividly characterize the manufacturing equipment industry. For example, the engineering industry, where the largest number of machine tools (metal-cutting, press-forging and foundry). Poet the basis of applicability for electrical automation in the engineering industries are invited to take certain types of machine tools. This approach to defining industry Park EA, according to the authors, will greatly enhance the reliability and validity of the calculations.
The analysis of the coefficients of applicability of EA in various groups of cutting equipment is allowed to draw a conclusion about the different level of automation. The biggest level of automation characteristic of aggregate (about 10 electromagnetic actuators for 1 machine) and grinding (over electromagnetic actuators for 1 machine) machines. It should be noted that every two electromagnetic actuator provides a single asynchronous motor, which directly provide automation of process equipment, converting electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Author suggestions by definition Park electrical automation based on the use of the coefficients of applicability of certain types of electrical automation equipment per unit of basic technological equipment of machine-building industries. Prospects of further studies associated with the development of methods for statistical evaluation of the obtained coefficients, the applicability of EA on the main technological equipment of machine-building industries. In addition, an extremely interesting area is the modeling of size industry Park EA for medium and long term. The results of these studies can form the normative basis of the planned production of the enterprises of electrotechnical profile.
Keywords: park products, electrical automation products, marketing, the coefficients of applicability, processing equipment
JEL Classification: L22, L63, M31.
Cite as: Pererva, P., Kobielieva, T., Tkachev M. & Tkacheva, N. (2017). Determination of marketing characteristics of market capacity for electrical automation. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 79-86.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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