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I. Piurenko, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University (Mykolaiv, Ukraine) I. Banyeva, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University (Mykolaiv, Ukraine) O. Garkusha, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University (Mykolaiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 272-282
Language: English
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Innovative economy development factors are researched in this article. It is stated that the main factors assisting in development of Ukrainian innovative economy are internal current expenditures on technical scientific developments, scientific services and applied researches, performed by scientific organizations on their own. It is scientifically proved that the following items should be attributed to the list of urgent measures of the state innovative policy: fighting corruption intensification, political stabilization, strengthening of the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee role and responsibility for violation of Ukrainian antimonopoly legislation, increasing the intellectual property protection level and copyright up to international standards, increasing targeted state financing of scientific institutions, which produce innovative developments, demanded by the real economy sector, state development and private pilot projects of high-tech industrial parks based on leading domestic scientific institutions of respective profile.
Keywords: innovations, expenditures on scientific developments, corruption, political instability, inflation, intellectual property, antimonopoly regulation, targeted financing
JEL Classification: О33, Н57.
Cite as: Piurenko, I., Banyeva I. & Garkusha, O. (2017). Dynamics factors of Ukrainian economy innovative transformation: main points and specifics of influence. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 272-282.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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