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Y. Safonov, State university Kyiv National Economic University named Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine) E. Maslennikov, Odessa National University by II Mechnikov (Odessa, Ukraine) N. Selivanova, Odessa National Polytechnic University (Odessa, Ukraine)
Pages: 283-291
Language: English
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n the article the essence of management competencies, the importance of creating innovation and investment clusters, method and sequence identification of key competencies enterprises to form clusters of innovation and investment. Determined that the state support is important for the initial development of the cluster as a prerequisite for combining national vision of economic development strategy and regional capacity, which may affect the actual development. Prevailing trends of the state regional cluster policy. A description of system innovation and investment cluster. Determined that innovation and investment cluster allows a high level of competitiveness is also the informal joint efforts of various entities. It was found that the purpose of forming the innovation cluster is to solve complex problems, through concentration and combining the strengths of the region. The study confirmed that important role in the establishment and maintenance of innovation and investment clusters play local institutions, exploring the area on the same topic. Clustering provides a system of distribution of new knowledge, technologies and innovations. Creating business relationships that are based on the desire to meet the needs of consumers, is the basic task of innovation and investment cluster. Determined that the various entities based on commercial interests, competition and possible ways to reduce costs, combined business activities in the value chain. An effective policy of modernization of the region should be a basis for value added chains that already exist or are emerging in the region. The study determined that significant competence entities have the knowledge, skills, technologies, models, methodology, etc., which is a key tool in shaping innovative investment active industrial clusters with a view to the strategic development and management of long-term competitive advantage. The basis for the formation of active innovation and investment industry clusters to be industrial companies that are innovation-active and introduce innovation. This article provides an innovative research activity and innovation in industrial enterprises for 2000-2015 years. The study determined that the key success factors that shape the profitability of undertakings and increase their capitalization, determine the requirements for the chain of values. These factors include: quality, time, cost reduction, customer service, product performance and others. It is proposed that industry better focus its resources in one particular link in the chain, which can achieve some significant advantages and provide the greatest financial returns through the use of their core competencies. It was found that the entity takes the base link with high added value, it has the ability to influence partners and submit their price conditions. The development concept of the value chain of products has enabled many entities to identify their core competencies, focus on them all the resources and refuse to perform their functions, which require greater expenditure of time, labor and finance than it spends only specialized in these processes subjects.
The study demonstrated that the identification and assessment of an entity of its core competencies in the formation of innovation and investment cluster allows just choose activities in this cluster that will bring the greatest financial result and effect.
Keywords: ompetences, chain of values, cluster, added value, competitive advantage, innovation cluster
JEL Classification: М10, О31, О32.
Cite as: Safonov, Y., Maslennikov E. & Selivanova, N. (2017). Methodical principles of definition of economic entity’s competence to forming of innovative-investment industry clusters. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 283-291.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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