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A.D. Kukharuk, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine) N.Y. Skorobogatova, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine) I.O. Pyshnograiev, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 301-314
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The article is aimed at identification of the relationships between the level of country’s economic development and the level of its innovation activity. To achieve the aim, the authors have analyzed the key factors that influence the ability to put in place the innovations in a particular economy.
Research methodology. The research was conducted using the materials of international analytical reports and data of Ukrainian NGO “World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development”. The research methodology includes general scientific and special methods that are as follows: synthesis and analysis, logical generalization, systematization, comparison (these methods were used for grouping of countries and generalization of their economic development); statistical methods, such as correlation and regression analysis, analysis of the dynamics (these methods were used to describe the relationships between the macroeconomic indicators and the level of innovation activity); graphical method (w used for visualization of the obtained results).
The results of the analysis. This article highlights the results of statistical estimation of functioning of several countries that are divided into four groups: Scandinavian countries, countries of Western Europe, Asian countries, and post socialistic countries. The certain economy was selected and included into particular group based on its position in the international ratings, and geographical location. For each group of countries, the analysis of correlation of the macroeconomic infrastructure, the degree of economic freedom and innovation activity level was completed. According to the obtained results, the nature of the relationships between the selected indicators varies by groups. In Scandinavian and Asian countries, the relationship between the level of macroeconomic infrastructure, the degree of economic freedom, and innovation activity are direct and tight. In Western Europe, the impact of the economic freedom on the innovation activity is reasonably low, and the influence of the macroeconomic infrastructure is significant. Authors describe the specific relationships of mentioned indicators in a group of post socialistic states, according to which Bulgaria and Ukraine differ significantly from Poland and the rest of the total sample, as the economic conditions of these countries and their innovation activity are in inverse dependence.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. A quantitative description of the influence of key factors on the level of countries’ innovation activity is carried out. For most countries, the direct polynomial dependencies is identified. The authors claim that for post-socialist countries, the specific conditions for the innovative activity formation are typical, and the deterioration of their economic conditions is a ground for intensification of innovation activity. The obtained results may be used as an element of further methodical providing of forecasting the innovation potential of countries that function in the conditions of economic turbulence. One of the promising area for further studies is the development of a strategy for enhancing countries’ innovation activity taking into account scientific statements of sustainable development concept.
Keywords: innovative activity, macroeconomic infrastructure, economic freedom, polynomial dependence, sustainable development
JEL Classification: C30, O1, O3, O44.
Cite as: Kukharuk, A., Skorobogatova N. & Pyshnograiev, I. (2017). Іdentifying the relationships between the level of countries’ economic development and innovation activity. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 301-314.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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