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Authors: Pages: 334-349 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. To disclose the features of the sustainable development estimation rate for cities and metropolitan areas. To develop evaluation criteria of metropolitan areas logistization. The results of the analysis. The issue of sustainable development of cities and agglomerations became especially acute, primarily due to the socio- economic crisis, difficult environmental situation, inefficient, irrational and uncontrolled use of socio-ecological and economic resources. It is proved that the city is a logistics system. Based on the existing criteria reasonably precondition for sustainable development of cities and agglomerations which should be completed balanced. These preconditions include: adaptation of the cities to the internal and external factors with preserving of the socio -ecological- economic security, change of consumption of resources and their structure (more efficient use of domestic renewable resources and non-renewable external resources by urban flows) ; balance between consumption and reproduction of socio- ecological and economic resources, the expanded reproduction of socio- ecological and economic resources. Information entropy as a function of the state, allowing the best to describe the behavior of public multicomponent dynamic systems, is to be put into basis of the evaluation of sustainable development of cities and metropolitan areas. It is proved that the feature of evaluation of sustainable development of cities and metropolitan areas is considering rational use of socio-environmental and economic resources, reproduction a socio-environmental and economic resource, the state of socio-ecological-economic security, a balance between economic, environmental and social components of sustainable development, the level of logistization in urban and metropolitan areas. Since the city and the metropolitan area are open, dynamic, multicomponent systems, applying the method of producing maximum entropies is best for the assessment of sustainable development. Indicator of the state is considered as the realization of some random variable, provided in the form of time series data in order to solve the problem of calculating the entropy indicators. Scientific novelty is definition of the resource and management efficiency of each city that belongs to the metropolitan area, definition of the agglomerative component that provides assessment agglomerative factor, indicator agglomeration and logistization of metropolitan area that allows to find the expediency of entering the city of the metropolitan area in the context of inter-regional economic connections. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Sustainable development of Ukrainian metropolitan areas is evaluated due to the proposed integrated indicators. Methodical approach to the evaluation of sustainable development of cities and metropolitan areas is formed. It will contribute to the development of strategic principles of sustainable development of cities and metropolitan areas according to their features. Keywords: sustainable development, entropy, resource efficiency, managerial efficiency, logistization JEL Classification: C12, C13, O18, R 23. Cite as: Averkyna, M. (2017). Features of estimation of the sustainable development rate of cities and metropolitan areas. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 334-349.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine