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О.Ye. Halan, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine)
Pages: 196-206
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The aim of this research is to optimize the relationship between the discount rate for the implemented innovative projects and force majeure risks that manifest themselves through situations of conflict and uncertainty of energy-efficient technologies within the investment and innovation program.
The results of the analysis. One of the main progressive development of enterprises focused on improving intensify their industrial and economic systems, is to improve the process of mechanization and automation based on innovation, increase productivity, reduce labor intensity of production.
Focusing on the future development of the enterprise there is an urgent need to improve the intellectual and staffing businesses to implement innovations. However, for the training of industrial personnel companies not to carry out certain activities in the field according to the emerging needs of implementation of innovations. It is necessary to create a comprehensive training system that meets clearly defined objectives and aimed at long-term stable operation implemented innovative projects.
It is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation on the possible (probable) directions of change trajectories of their implementation in the future relative to different investment alternatives energy efficiency projects to content within the set tasks as much as possible to give an idea of the possible conditions and results of innovative development of industrial and economic system of the plant.
Thus, if we take as a basis the key aspects of the methodology of «changes in the workforce» and to adapt it to modern conditions of business enterprises to manage innovative projects and staff in the implementation of energy efficient technologies, it makes sense to introduce a modified approach to assessing the impact of mechanization and automation of certain the main elements of the progressive development of innovation based on a combination of project analysis methodology and techniques of export evaluation.
The proposed modified approach to assessing the impact of certain basic elements of mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes of enterprises on the level of innovation of progressive development simplifies the procedure for implementing measures aimed at implementing energy efficient technologies and identify the growing importance of interchangeability of production factors in justifying management decisions.
To solve the problem of assessment and consideration of force majeure risks execution of the business plan of industrial and economic programs in the implementation of innovative projects can offer a methodological approach to optimize the risk to determine minimum values depending on the discount rate for a single project is probable return of the original amount of capital investment.
Conclusions and directions for future researches. The proposed theoretical and methodological approach in assessing the feasibility of business enterprises in the implementation of innovative projects on energy efficient technologies concerning the study of complex, dynamic, open, and fully managed observed (partially predictable) systems. It is necessary to take into account the possible (probable) directions of changes implement innovative processes progressive development on the basis of mathematical statistics, project analysis and evaluation of the projected export the results of their implementation. Thus, an important face the problem of taking into account the force majeure risks of default terms of remuneration and training of staff within the business plan of industrial and economic programs of the company, which is directly related to key aspects of risk management innovation and staff in the implementation of energy efficient technologies is the basis prospects further research in this area.
Keywords: innovative project, force majeure, risk, credit resources, energy efficient technologies, progressive development of enterprise, intellectual and personnel support
JEL Classification: O32, M12.
Cite as: Halan, O. Y. (2018). Conceptual aspects of risk management of innovative projects and personnel in the implementation of energy-efficient technologies. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 196-206.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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