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O.A. Khilukh, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk, Ukraine)
Pages: 259-271
Language: Ukrainian
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The corporation needs to define more appropriate performance criteria for measuring managers’ performance and encouraging their professional development. These must redefine traditional success parameters to consider the knowledge, skills and behavioural inputs which contribute to superior performance.
The aim of the article to explore and evaluate managers skills which bring success to the corporation. The evaluation embraces the identified criteria influencing the process of manager selection. Methods. It covers the entire research process including: formulating research questions; measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive); research design quasi-expermental method. The research used the result from the authors’ study of the years 2014-2017.
The results of the analysis. This study examines the competency profiles of successful managers in different corporations. The paper first sets out the areas of knowledge and skill required for management certification. It identifies the basic, professional, and managerial competences that are perceived as essential for the corporation success. The paper has proposed an effective method to evaluate required competencies for better promoting the competency development of corporate managers.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Corporate governance is a process which is concerned about how corporations are managed, and which competence should have their managers for that. There are three types of competencies such as knowledge, experience, and manager’s behavior when he solves tasks of the corporation. The paper analyses the most important skills within each type. The report determines criterias which evaluate the level of the corporate manager competence. A matrix of pairwise can be used as a tool for selecting the best candidates. Manager’s experience and his knowledge are two variable which we analyze. The report can be used to organize the recruiting process for managers to improve the quality of managers and ensure the prosperity of the corporation
The application of a matrix of pairwise equations allows to choose a new qualified manager with high intelectual and professional potential which is based on weight coefficients and the revealed level of competence of a particular candidate. Analytical expressions allow you to track parameters such as the level of necessary experience and professional knowledge of the manager the ability to bear responsibility for the results of your work, the ability to perform complex situational tasks, the ability to risk, its orientation to the outcome, communicative and cooperative, emotional competence, flexibility, adaptability, the desire to develop, innovation, leadership and influence of the effectiveness of its managerial decisions, the ability to organize and control activities, as well as motivate and develop staff..
Furthermore, the research helps to build the personnel development strategy to activate the interaction between employees and their groups in the process of work, to develop their creativity, in the process of labor activity, enable the innovative initiatives of the workers and encourage them. It helps to regulate the interests of the employee and helps to take benefits of the corporation’s stakeholders.
Keywords: corporate governance, competence, professional competence, basic competence, managerial competence, pair-wise comparison matrices
JEL Classification: G34, D74.
Cite as: Khilukha, O. A. (2018). Paired comparison analysis in the evaluation of managers competence in corporate governance. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 259-271.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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