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Authors: Pages: 272-283 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. Identifying global trends of market information and communication technologies, verification hypothesis in relation to their synchronization with national trends, medium-term and long-term forecasting investment situation in the industry. The results of the analysis. In the article revealed, that central place of information and communication technologies in the structure of post-industrial economy requires constant monitoring the quality of their development and life cycle identification period. Relevant information can be obtained by determining the trends of the global and Ukrainian ICT market. Received information will serve as basis for Forsyth in the spheres of public economic policy and determination of the most attractive from an investment side segments of corresponding productions and markets. Within the general scientific systematic approach in research used statistical methods and comparative analysis to determine trends of market dynamics and degree of theire synchronization. Based analysis of the world and Ukrainian markets ICT established fact synchronization the main trends of their development: sustainable growth slowdown of the world and Ukrainian ICT market; general market trend of the slowing growth evident in the development segments of the individual connecting to mobile communications and the Internet; the main trend of the structural transformation ICT market consists in the permanent increase of share programming and other information services on a background reducing the share of the largest segment – mobile communication; the tendency to substantial reducing the share of fixed telephony services is a global;segment share sale of computers, peripheral equipment, audio-visual and telecommunications equipment are stable over the last five years. Regional dynamics of the global ICT market by constant increase in the share of developing countries and the reduction of the digital divide within the group. In particular, India and China accounted for 31.7% and 30.9% of the total number of connections to mobile communications and the Internet, and all developed countries only 21.9% and 30.6%. The development of ICT in Ukraine substantially braked by imperfection political and legal system, low support for the development and use ICT by the public authorities. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Established trends give reason to predict the medium-term sustainability of the investment situation in the field of information and communication technologies. In a long term projected state formation “plateau” for the development of post-industrial economy, which entails diversification of investment flows in nanotechnology. It was determined that the stability of markets mobile phone connections and internet, makes the profitability of investment in the respective sub-sectors. Saturation demand for computer and tele-radio technology results in slowing the relevant commodity turnover. The most attractive segment in the investment plan is programming. Demand for software in the world is increasing, providing revenue growth, continued expansion of production volumes, and thus creates conditions for high profitability segment aimed at the development of financial. sources. Situation that was folded must be used by a government for the decision problems of the economy growing. Segment programming does not require large capital investments and for existing effective training system can be used as a driver of economic development within the cumulative model. Return of tax preferences and protectionist policies in the field of public contracts, financial support and deregulation (reducing state influence) stimulate increase in the number of enterprises and their economic efficiency. The problems of improving the classification of subjects activity in ICT must become the subject of further researches, with the aim providing of state support namely those organizations who creating new products, but not engage in resale of existing. Keywords: market information and communication technologies, market structure, trends of development, mobile сommunication, fixed communications, computer communications, programming, technical and economic order JEL Classification: D49, E30, F29. Cite as: Bavyko, O. Y. (2018). Syncyronization of development of the information and communications technology market in Ukraine with global trends. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 272-283.
Sumy State University
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