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N.V. Shandova, Kherson National Technical University (Kherson, Ukraine)
Pages: 317-326
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is research of aspects of advanced technology to improve the analysis of the risk factors specific to Ukrainian industrial enterprises.
The results of the analysis. Risk environment and causal relationships of existing threats to the development of the enterprise are defined based on the results of the study of industrial enterprises. The basic factors that contribute to the reduction of production volumes and create an increased level of risk in the development of machine-building enterprises are considered. The study suggested the definition of machine-building enterprise risk management and developed a proactive approach in the form of advanced analysis of key risk factors, by which problems in the company’s development are recognized and warned. The analysis procedure is represented in the form of an algorithm phase research of risk factors.
Implementation of the stages of advanced analysis is carried out with the involvement of relevant experts of the organization, external consultants. These specialists represent the team of analysts. Team members must have sufficient competence and industry expertise in such areas as: project management, information technology, business transformation, management consulting, economics and finance, production, supply, marketing, sales, marketing. During the start-up phase, the entire set of advanced analysis work is planned. The result of the planning is the calendar-schedule for carrying out analytical work, a communication plan, a resource plan, a set of questionnaires, a list of accounting, regulatory and regulatory documentation of the enterprise developed and coordinated with management.
At the monitoring and diagnostics stage of the operational environment are determined by the characteristics of the external environment, the internal parameters of the enterprise, as well as the parameters of the company’s development strategy.
At the next stage main threats to the achievement of the enterprise development goals materiality manifestation of risks in terms of losses and risk management capabilities are estimated. Evaluation of risk factors is provided by means of a method of expert estimations, which provides the use of quantitative methods such as the organization of the examination and judgment of experts in assessing and formal processing of the results.
At the stage of preparation and implementation of specific management decisions to counter the threats and likely eliminate the risk of the behavioral strategy of the enterprise to ensure the minimization of risks.
At the last stage solutions are designed to counter the threats and risks, as well as projected when implementing improvements in risk factors are estimated by experts to get a new risk assessment taking into account the capabilities of the enterprise resource.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The implementation of this approach contributes to a list of typical risk for a variety of situations and typical anti-risk measures, that in the future will transform the process into a corporate management system advanced. The analysis provides an opportunity to monitor information on risks, and use analysis results as a business management tool.
Keywords: problems of development, enterprise, management, threats, risk factors
JEL Classification: D21, D81, L60, O11.
Cite as: Shandova, N. V. (2018). The preventive analysis of risk factors of the development of industrial enterprises. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 317-326.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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