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L.V. Yelisieieva, Economic History, Institute for Economics and Gorecasting of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 353-361
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of this article. The relationship of the economic crisis, public trust and the formation of national innovative entrepreneurship are studied in the article. The article aims to investigate the dynamics and specificity of the development of domestic innovative entrepreneurship during the crisis in 2014-2016. It was established that the global financial crisis in 2008 worsened the crisis of public trust to state power and increased the level of business trust.
Research results. It was found out that the development of digital economy, Internet technologies and economic crisis of the national economy accelerated the development of sharing companies, a new type of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The main organizationa enterprise forms in the sphere of economy of common use are raidsharing, crowdfunding, coworking and others. They stimulated the growth of social attention to the problems of resources saving, ecological activity and trust rebirth etc.
It was found out that the boost for the sharing companies’ development in the national economy was caused by the increase of civil responsibility, economic activity, gradual decline of paternalism traditions as the reaction to the crisis connected with the war and general social and economic instability. The combination of traditional and innovative/creative approaches to economic problems solving became the peculiarity of national enterprise setting in the sphere of common use economy. It resulted in the absence of mental barriers for its spread in the Ukrainian society and social projects’ orientation as contrasted with numerous western sharing models.
It is established that the entrepreneurial structures of the economy of common consumption in Ukraine have significant differences from foreign analogues. It has been established that the sharing model of the economy fundamentally changes the nature, mission and algorithm of setting up a business development strategy, transforms its organizational form, system of internal and external communications, which shows the emergence of a new trend in the development of entrepreneurship that causes innovative changes in social development.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. We made a conclusion that modern tendencies of enterprise development being influenced by the global challenges and economic system crisis support J. Shumpeter’s concept of “creative ruining” according to which implementing of business innovations in the process of social development results in constant industrial and institutional permutations that change and reconstruct the economic system from the inside, ruining its old organizational structure and outdated models of business activity and creating new competitive norms and organizational forms that provide system changes and steady economic growth.
Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship, social innovations, crisis of trust, crowdfunding, sharing economy, economic development
JEL Classification: E32, F29, M13.
Cite as: Yelisieieva, L. V. (2018). Crisis as a catalyst for the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 353-361.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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