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Authors: Pages: 73-82 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract Globalization processes make adjustments to the balance of the competitive forces, change the configuration of markets and their segments, also affect the market of marketing communications. Along with national producers and communications’ distributors, large advertising holdings appear, and they implement unified cultural standards. In this regard, participants in the national market are forced to adapt to the challenges that arise in a globalized environment. In these conditions, the question of the research of marketing communications’ market transformations under the influence of globalization factors is actualized. The aim of the article. The article analyzes the main tendencies of the world and domestic communication market development, describes the volumes and dynamics of the communicative market of Ukraine as a whole and its main sectors. The analysis showed that the market of marketing communications in Ukraine is developing in general in accordance with world trends, which are formed under the influence of globalization processes. At the same time, in the domestic market, in contrast to world trends, the volume of television advertising continues to grow. The results of the analysis. The transformation of the marketing communications tools is proposed to be distinguished in the context of 3 levels constructive change: the emergence of new tools and their coexistence with existing ones (based on the complement); integration (on the basis of association, rapprochement, interpenetration); tools hybridization (based on multiplicity). The definition of hybrid tools of marketing communications is proposed. It is defined that hybrid tools of marketing communications allow to take benefits of advanced communication tools and innovative solutions. Also, hybrid tools of marketing communications are aimed at improving the quality of collaboration, mobility and flexibility. Under the hybrid marketing communication tools, it is suggested to understand the types that arise as a result of a constructive combination of the most demanded functions (as well as innovative components) and have no analogues. The factors influencing the process of marketing communication tools transformation are investigated and systematized using. It was done using Ishikawa structural analysis of causative relationships. Among the globalization processes that have an impact on the communications market, it should be noted the influence of transnational companies, process of customization, information technology development and the process of the advertising market participants consolidation. Also, a significant influence on the change in the content and form of communication tools have such factors as consumer behavior change, domestic and world economic processes, state regulation, social norms, competition, etc. Conclusions and directions for future researches. The main directions of the development of marketing communication tools transformational changes in the conditions of globalization are substantiated: globalization will systematically influence the changes of all elements of the marketing communications tools: means, measures, influences types, etc.; the globalized new media will acquire new features and characteristics; the tools of marketing communications will acquire new features at the expense of integration of existing and the emergence of new types; fundamental changes in the tools of marketing communications will lead to changes in people’s behavior on the basis of new interactive opportunities (integrating new habits initially), and to the changes in the world culture development; access to new information achievements will be limited by the economic capabilities of individuals and their cultural and educational level. Keywords: marketing communications, tools, transformation, globalization, information, hybridization, society, influence, factors JEL Classification: L19, M39, F01. Cite as: Bozhkova, V. V., Ptashchenko, O. V., Saher, L. Y., & Syhyda, L. O. (2018). Transformation of marketing communications tools in the context of globalization. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 73-82.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine