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Viktoriia Druzhynina, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Kremenchuk, Ukraine) Ganna Likhonosova, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Galyna Lutsenko, Kremenchuk Flight College, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
Pages: 54-68
Language: English
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The research confirmed that in order to carry out a comprehensive multi-level diagnosis of the well-being of the population, it is necessary to systematize the most important social, economic and other types of indicators. The authors developed a multilevel approach to implement the tools for diagnosing the population welfare: at the international, national, regional, territory and local levels. It is proved that socio-economic exclusion is the result of the law of the synergetic development of the system, that is, a law that expresses internally necessary, stable connections between elements of the system that determine the level of system synergy. The system of estimation indicators of population welfare is generalized taking into account its multilevel dimension. The complex of factors is determined, under the influence of which the level of population welfare changes. The authors develop methodological and applied aspects of the choice of a multilevel approach to estimate the population welfare through the neutralization of the negative effects of exclusion and the promotion of population improvement in different regions. The conducted studies allowed to confirm the results obtained regarding the choice of instruments to overcome existing problems and disproportions in society. The introduction of a multi-level approach to evaluate the population welfare could directly affect to the level of life quality of the population and progressive socio-economic development. Avoidance of regional disproportions in development and rejection processes taking place in the state is possible taking into account from the different point of views on the specificity of socio-economic development of each region. Monitoring of the coherence of the public communities actions and governmental organizations could ensure the achievement of a high quality living standard of the population, which enable each individual member of the community to implement their own rational-selfish development goals, which trigger the loop of feedback with a multiplicative positive effect.
Keywords: welfare, multilevel approach, assessment, socio-economic exclusion, synergy.
JEL Classification: B55, I31.
Cite as: Druzhynina, V., Likhonosova, G., & Lutsenko, G. (2018). Assessment welfare of the population in the synergetic system of socio-economic exclusion. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 54-68.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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