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Authors: Pages: 208-215 Language: English DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article is to research of problems and prospects of implementation and development of smart accounting system in urban passenger transport. Today’s conditions there is an urgent need to create and implement a unified automated payment system in all cities of Ukraine without exception. The automated payment system for payment in the city public transport vehicle is intended to simplify the payment control and registration of travel on the basis of advanced information technologies. The main tasks of implementing such a system are: creation of a single transport space with the standardization of the means of fares; possibility of flexible tariff policy; maximum increase of transparency and accuracy of the accounting of actually provided services for the carriage of passengers, in particular, privileged ones; providing complete, reliable and detailed information on the performed transport work to solve the tasks of analysis and planning of passenger transportation, etc. Automated fare system is the most effective way to increase income collection and reduce the number of non-billable passengers at the expense of complete automation of sales processes for travel documents, collection and accounting of proceeds, and also control of passenger’s passage. The introduction of the system implies that stops and rolling stock of public transport are equipped with turnstiles and read-out devices for travel documents. Data on the transportation of passengers electronically through a centralized control system comes directly to the server processing of transport transactions. The automated payment system covers not only privileged categories of citizens and users of season tickets, but also buyers of one-time ticket tickets for cash. Replenishment of the transport card account (e-purse) and the purchase of a one-time ticket is carried out both in ordinary cash desks, as well as in payment terminals or vending machines for selling tickets, as well as via the Internet or mobile applications. This system, in combination with organizational and technical measures, enables to organize a complete automated accounting of each passenger in a single system, regardless of the types of ticket carriers and transport cards, as well as from forms of payment of travel, including payment for cash, cashless payments and all types of contactless payments. Passengers, the introduction of an automated payment control system will have the following benefits: the system of transport of passengers is established; comfort and convenience in payment of travel; socially fair tariffs; availability of travel documents that satisfy the needs of passengers as much as possible; the possibility of using one card in different modes of transport; improving the quality of service through the information provided by the system. In further research, it would be worth paying attention to the information component of the implementation and development of the smart metering system in urban transport, since this area of research is still developing in Ukraine. Recent attempts to introduce technologies such as an e-ticket or a citizen’s map did not make much progress in terms of information support and technical devices. That is why researching technological opportunities in modern economic conditions is very relevant. Keywords: smart accounting system, municipal passenger transport, automated fare-payment system, modern intelligent systems JEL Classification: H540, L910 R420. Cite as: Zadorozhko, G., Nikolaev, Y., Barabash, O., & Goncharenko, O. (2018). Problems and prospects for the implementation and development of smart accounting system at municipal transport. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 208-215.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine