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Authors: Pages: 332-338 Language: English DOI:
Abstract The article outlines the innovative project connected with the management of resources dedicated to the common defence policy in the EU. Describes the international community that undertook decisions towards the Common Safety and Defense Politics and therefore established European Union Force. The European Defence Community as an innovative management project. Current threats became the general determinants that were the basis for the decision of creating European Union Forces. The subject of enhancing the involvement of European Union countries in creating widely seen international safety community, as well as the limits that may be obstacles in forming and conducting activities concerning peace sustaining by European Union Force, is also present. Some of the foreseen aspects in cooperation with the United Nations Organization and North Atlantic Treaty Organization have been indicated. There is also an outline of political objectives that have to be fulfilled to make the idea of common armed forces. A brief story of the evolution of the idea of common European Forces has been shown as well as decisions that have been made at the consecutive meetings dedicated to their creation. There are also shown fundamental assumptions and requirements for the future European Union Forces with the special focus put to the EU task forces as the most effective tool in creating the Security Policy. Also presented the concepts of the establishment of permanent structural cooperation PESCO as the only prospect for the rationalization of defence expenditure in the European dimension. The organizational and legal requirements have been defined that the task forces need to meet and the abilities they need to achieve to join the combat duty in Quick Response Force of EU. According to the author, there are five key features that need to be met for battlegroups to achieve the adequate level of training and equipment to fulfil the wide spectrum of tasks concerning the crisis response as well as introducing peace in the source of conflicts not only in Europe. Keywords: PESCO project, European defence community, European Union armed forces, European defence fund, ATHENA program, management, innovation project. JEL Classification: M67, F5, F52, P16. Cite as: Lewicki, W. J. (2018). Innovative project management: EU common defence policy. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 332-338.
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