Instruction for Authors
Before submitting the manuscript, the Editorial Office strongly recommend the authors to:
- Read the Aims & Scope to check if your paper is meet with journal’s areas;
- Read the Submission and Publication Procedure, Peer review process;
- Use the template for paper’s preparation;
- Read the Open access statement and reference metadata, Publication ethics policy and malpractice statement, Copyright and licensing, Plagiarism statement, Authorship and contributorship
- Be sure that all authors approved the final version of the paper;
- Be sure that you accept the APC policy.
“Marketing and Management of Innovations” accept the following type of manuscript: research paper/theoretical paper/review paper.
- Research papers are usually original research and provide detailed studies such as a hypothesis (if there was any), literature review, methodology, findings, implications, conclusion, and recommendations.
- Theoretical papers present the current knowledge including substantive theoretical findings to a particular topic. Theoretical papers consist of abstract, introduction, theoretical basis, results, discussion and conclusion.
- Review papers summaries research on a particular topic without presenting new empirical results. Review articles provide critical and constructive analysis of existing published literature in a field.
The paper and other supplementary materials should be submitted via email:
The journal follows the APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (APA Style JARS).
Articles should be from 20 000 characters in length. All submissions should be formatted in the following way: typewritten in 11 Times New Roman, one-spaced, no page numbers, no page breaks. Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format.
When submitting an article for consideration, it is suggested to arrange it in several separate files:
- Title page.
- Main text of the paper without Authors’ Affiliations.
- Supplementary Materials (duplicate all graphic and illustrative materialsm and formulas in formats that can be edited (for example, Excel).
- Authors’ Agreement. All co-authors are required to endorse the Authors’ Agreement for the publication of the revised manuscript.
- Cover letter. It should be brief yet informative, highlighting the paper’s significance and contextualizing the findings within the existing body of research. Clearly articulate how the manuscript aligns with the Journal’s aims and scope. The cover letter includes the following statements:
- Confirmation of Exclusive Submission: “We affirm that the manuscript and its content, in whole or in part, are not presently under consideration or published in any other journal.”
- Author Agreement: “All authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript for submission to Marketing and Management of Innovations”
1. Title Page
The paper organization is the following:
- Article Title. The title of the article should consist of at least ten words. The title should present the study.
- Author Details
- Full name of all authors of the article.
- Place of work/study (in full) of all authors of the article, country.
- Position of all authors of the article.
- Scientific degree of all authors of the article.
- Academic rank of all authors of the article.
- The working address of the corresponding author.
- The working telephone of the corresponding author.
- Address for correspondence.
- Contact number.
- E-mail of the corresponding author.
- ORCID of all authors of the article (one can register here:
An Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID iD) is a unique and persistent digital identifier used to disambiguate researchers from one another. Created by ORCID, this iD helps ensure that work is properly attributed and that you receive credit for everything you do. It integrates with other identifiers (e.g., ResearcherID, Scopus and LinkedIn) and databases (e.g., Crossref) to centralize your research outputs and professional profiles. The author’s ORCID iD remains the same no matter whether he or she changes his/her name, institution, country or field of research and provides a unique and permanent marker of the scholarly contributions.
All information must be complete and accurate.
- Abstract. The abstract should not be less than 2000 signs. The text must be concise, clear, free of background information and with clear and objective view of the main concepts in the paper. It should not contain results that are not presented and not substantiated in the main text. The abstract should not contain abbreviations and citations. The abstract should specify the purpose of the article, briefly describe the author’s contribution to the solution of the research problem, the scientific novelty and the practical significance of the results obtained, the main conclusions of the research. The recommended template for writing the abstract.
This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the issue…… The main purpose of the research is…. Systematization of the literary sources and approaches for solving the problem….. indicates that……. The relevance of this scientific problem decision is that ……….. Investigation of the topic… in the paper is carried out in the following logical sequence:………. Methodological tools of the research methods were……. years of research…… The object of research is the chosen company (countries, regions, universities, processes …….), because namely they……. The paper presents the results of an empirical analysis ……, which showed that … .. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that …… The results of the research can be useful for ….
- Keywords. The keywords are presented in the article to attract interested readers’ attention and simplify searching the manuscript through searchers. The number of keywords (phrases) should be from 5 to 10, given in alphabetical order.
- List of Abbreviations (if necessary). If there are abbreviations in the text, the definition should be given in the text for the first time. A list of abbreviations should be provided in alphabetical order.
2. The main text of the paper
- Introduction. The introduction indicates the essence and purpose of the research, formulates the problem in general terms and its connection with other scientific or practical tasks, provides a detailed description of the current state of the problem under study. The purpose of the introduction is to give the reader the complete information about the issue and possible ways of its solution, summarize the relevance of the research, its scientific and practical significance.
- Literature Review. This section analyzes research and publications, which starts solving this problem and forms the basis for the study of author/authors. The unresolved issues are distinguished, which denote a part of the general problem in the article.
- Methodology and research methods (for research paper). This section gives a brief description of the positive and negative methodological experience and determines the hypotheses that underlie the research, scientific theories, and schools within which this research is carried out. The methodological and empirical restrictions of the investigation continue the scientific provisions. This section also describes the data collection methods and processing used in the study, the empirical bases of the study. If the article contains the results of sociological research, the organization or persons who conducted it should be noted. Besides, the type of research, the period and the range of the analyzed data, the sampling error, methods of data collection (for example, interviews, observations, experiments, analysis of the content etc.) should also be indicated. If the article contains the results of statistical analysis of data, this section describes the applied methods of data analysis, gives the characteristics of the adequacy and reliability of the obtained results, provides information on the sources of statistical information, databases, etc. The methodology and methods should be described with sufficient details to allow the reader to verify the study results. If there are any restrictions on the disclosure of any information or access to data, it should be indicated.
- Results. This section presents the basic material of the research with the full justification of the received scientific results. The submitted material must be logically linked, clearly stated, and have the appropriate structure (if necessary, each part may have a name). During the presentation of the material, the scientific style should be followed.
- Conclusions, Discussion and Recommendations. This section is a concise summary of the main findings of the study. The appropriate comment should describe the new phenomena and confirmed facts. The conclusions should be logically consistent with the title and purpose of the article, thorough, contain a comparison of the results with the analogues, recommendations for their implementation. It is advisable to give a clear vision of the prospects for further research in this area.
- Acknowledgements and Research Funding (if necessary). In this section, the authors provide information regarding the organization or individual who supports the study. It is also possible to mention other persons who participated in the research (technicians, laboratory assistants, etc.). It is obligatory to indicate the name of the fund, the name and number of the grant (research topic) when referring to the research funding source. If there is no funding, the following phrase is required: “There is no funding for this research”
- Author Contributions. When submitting an article, the corresponding author should define the role of each author. Please get acquainted with Authorship and Contributorship (the roles of individual author’s contribution according to the CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy. Author contributions can be indicated as illustrated in the following example:
conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; methodology, X.X.; software, X.X.; validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; formal analysis, X.X.; investigation, X.X.; resources, X.X.; data curation, X.X.; writing-original draft preparation, X.X.; writing-review and editing, X.X.; visualization, X.X.; supervision, X.X.; project administration, X.X.; funding acquisition, Y.Y
X.Y. is the initials of the author. First name and Last name – F.L.
The CRediT system allows for transparency and proper attribution of contributions within a publication. It defines the contributors’ roles in the following way:
- Conceptualisation: Contributing to the formulation of the research idea, study design, or hypothesis.
- Data curation: Collecting, assembling, and organizing data for the research.
- Formal analysis: Conducting statistical or computational analysis of the data.
- Funding acquisition: Acquiring financial support or resources for the research study.
- Investigation: Being directly involved in the research process, carrying out experiments, observations, or data collection.
- Methodology: Contributing to the development of the study methodology, protocols, or procedures.
- Project administration: Overseeing and managing the research project, including budgeting, coordination, and organization.
- Resources: Providing necessary materials, tools, or software for the research study.
- Software: Developing or writing computer programs, software, or codes used in the research study.
- Supervision: Providing guidance, mentorship, and supervision throughout the research process.
- Validation: Verifying the accuracy, integrity, and validity of the research findings.
- Visualisation: Creating visual representations of the data, such as charts, graphs, or images.
- Writing – original draft: Writing – original draft: Contributing to the initial writing of the manuscript, including drafting sections or writing specific parts.
- Writing – review & editing: Writing – review and editing: Reviewing, editing, and providing critical feedback on the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: Indicate a conflict of interest or write “Authors declare no conflict of interest”. Authors should identify any personal circumstances or interests that may influence the presentation or interpretation of research findings. The sponsor’s role in the study development; in the collection, analysis or interpretation of data; or in the decision on the results publication must be declared.
Data Availability Statement: Provide detailed information on the location of the reporting results that support the data and references to the publicly archived datasets analyzed during the study. If the study did not report any data, you can add “Not applicable” here.
Informed Consent Statement: A research paper presenting research involving people, should contain this statement. You should add “Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study”. OR “The patient’s consent was denied for a REASON (please give a detailed justification)”. Indicate “Not applicable” for research without human participation. You can avoid this statement if the study did not include people.
- References. The correct link to a source in the text, listed in the reference list at the end of the article, should be:
- for one author’s work – to indicate the author’s last name (Adams, 2006);
- for two authors’ work – to indicate the last names of the two authors (Adams and Brown, 2006) or the name of the first author followed by “et al.”;
- for several authors’ works – to indicate the last name of the first author followed by “et al.” (Adams et al., 2006).
In alphabetical order, references should be listed with the author’s last name in the first place at the end of the article. References to other publications must be checked for completeness and accuracy.
Each source from the list should have DOI or electronic link.
For example:
Journal article
Author, A.A., Author, B.B., Author, C.C., Author D.D. (2005). Title of article. Title of Journal, Vol. (Issue.), 49-53. DOI
Article by DOI
Slifka, M.K., & Whitton, J.L. (2000). Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. Journal of Molecular Medicine, doi:10.1007/s001090000086.
Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. (1974). Vibration problems in engineering. 4th ed. New York, Wiley. 521 p.
Online document
Abou-Allaban, Y., Dell, M. L., Greenberg, W., Lomax, J., Peteet, J., Torres, M., & Cowell, V. (2006). Religious/spiritual commitments and psychiatric practice.
Resource document. American Psychiatric Association. Accessed 25 June 2007.
- Appendixes. If there are Appendixes in the article, they appear on a new page after the figures. Multiple appendixes are labeled with letters (Appendix A, Appendix B).
- Figures. All figures (diagrams, line drawings, web pages/screenshots and photo images) should be submitted in electronic form. Submit figures as separate high-resolution (300 dpi) JPEG, PDF or PNG images. All figures should be of high quality and clear. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals under their position in the text. The text of the article should refer to all the figures. Diagrams and drawings can be black-and-white or colored. Each figure should have a name that is placed beneath symmetrically to the text. Explanations to the figures should be concise, meaningful, reveal the symbols and abbreviations used in them.
- Tables. Tables should be typed and included in a separate file to the main part of the article. The text of tables should be written using Times New Roman 10pt. The position of each table should be clearly stated in the text of the article. Do not submit tables as non-editable images. All tables should be numbered consecutively in their order in the text. Each of them should contain a link in the text of the article. The title of the table should be short and reveal the table content. If it is necessary to provide a note to the text of the table explaining the abbreviation, or possible error in the calculations given in the table and so on, then it should be listed below the table.
- Formulas. All formulas in the article should be numbered sequentially, beginning with (1) to the end of the article, including attachments. The number should be given in parentheses to the right of the formula in the same line with it. This number should be used when referencing it later in the text of the article (for example, equation (1)). Formulas and equations must be created in Microsoft Equation or Math Type editors in MS Word. They must be editable; all characters must be clearly identified (upper and lower case letters, other symbols, upper and lower indices, avoidance of confusion, for example, between zero and the letter “o” etc.). All the characters and units in which they are measured should be explained below the formulas.
- Language. All papers are published in English.
Language that is inclusive recognizes diversity, demonstrates respect for everyone, is cognizant of individual differences, and advances equal opportunity. Content must be inclusive throughout and should not indicate that one person is better than another based on their age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, handicap, or state of health. It should also make no assumptions about the beliefs or convictions of any reader. The use of slang, references to the dominant culture, bias, stereotypes, and/or cultural assumptions should all be avoided by authors. The Journal advises attempting to be gender neutral by using plural nouns (“clinicians, patients/clients”) as a default and avoiding the use of “he, she,” or “he/she” whenever possible. The Journal advises against using descriptors that refer to a person’s age, gender (aside from where it is necessary for the research), race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, or physical or mental health condition unless they are valid and pertinent. These rules are not intended to be exhaustive or conclusive, but rather to serve as a point of reference for identifying acceptable language.
3. Graphic and illustrative materials
This file should contain all the graphical and illustrative materials, formulas given in the main text of the article, in formats that can be edited (for example, Excel).
Key factors for success publications.
Key factors in the article selection process for publication encompass the originality of ideas and discoveries, their importance in advancing knowledge, the meticulousness across all research phases, the clarity of structure and logical progression, alignment with the journal’s scope, the appropriateness of references and citations, and compliance with the Instruction for Authors.
A manuscript may face rejection for various reasons, typically categorized into substantive and editorial grounds. Substantive reasons pertain to issues that necessitate additional research, like supplementary experiments or analysis, before the results can be published. Common substantive grounds for manuscript rejection often comprise:
- Data incompleteness can result from factors such as a limited sample size, missing, or inconsistent data.
- Low-quality analysis may manifest in the inappropriate use of statistical tests or a complete lack of statistical analysis.
- The selection of methodologies unsuitable for testing proposed hypotheses, or reliance on outdated approaches, can hinder the production of reliable results.
- Weak research motivation may be apparent when research hypotheses lack clarity, scientific validity, or when collected data is not directly relevant to the research topic.
- Drawing erroneous conclusions from data that lack support from the author’s assumptions is a potential issue to address in research submissions.
To prevent rejection on substantive grounds, authors should circumvent this by dedicating ample time to research, meticulously selecting a focused problem, formulating clear hypotheses, and conducting a comprehensive analysis.
The paper’s submission contains the following steps:
- Paper’s submission via email Submission of the article is a necessary step for consideration. The corresponding author is responsible for sending the complete paper to the email Subsequently, the managing editor reviews the article to ensure it aligns with the journal’s themes and meets its requirements. The managing editor is obligated to inform the corresponding author of the review results within one week. The corresponding author must confirm that all listed co-authors have endorsed the final version of the article and agreed to its submission for publication. Submitting an article for publication in the journal implies unanimous approval for its publication by all authors (co-authors) who actively participated in the study and/or article preparation. When presenting an article for consideration by the editorial board, the corresponding author should provide accurate and reliable contact information. They bear full responsibility for ethical considerations and the originality of the article’s content, serving as the primary contact for any disputes or inquiries before or after publication. Authors (co-authors) submitting an article for publication are expected to fully comply with the editorial board’s and publisher’s requirements regarding content and the presentation of original data. The publication of the manuscript signifies that the article has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Approval has been obtained from all co-authors and the institution where the study was conducted. The publisher holds no legal responsibility for any claims that may arise.
- Verifying the originality of the paper and AI generated content. The submitted materials are screened for authenticity using the StrikePlagiarism, iThenticate and Turnitin to identify any instances of plagiarism and content generated by Artificial Intelligence (see the Publication ethics policy and malpractice statement). The Managing editor is required to communicate the outcomes of this check to the corresponding author within one week.
- Author’s Consent. Authors will be provided with an author’s consent form for completion. Each author is required to sign this agreement. The author’s consent affirms that the manuscript’s content has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. All co-authors have no objections to the article being considered for future publication.
- Reviewing the paper. Two reviewers receive the article for double-blind peer review. The reviewer and the author are anonymous, that guarantees the fairness of the review process. Manuscripts for review are sent to the reviewers according to the field of their scientific interests. Reviewers give one of the following recommendations: 1) to accept the article for printing in its original form; 2) the article requires minor corrections, recommendations on which are indicated in the referee-report; 3) a substantial revision of the article content is needed, recommendations for improving the material are indicated in the referee-report; 4) to reject the article on the basis, noted in the referee-report. Reports of reviewers with comments and recommendations are sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. The article review process takes up to 3 months.
- Paper Evaluation. The paper undergoes a double-blind peer review process with two reviewers. Both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous to ensure the fairness of the evaluation. Manuscripts are assigned to reviewers based on their scientific interests. Reviewers provide one of the following recommendations: 1) to accept the article for publishing in its original form; 2) the article requires minor corrections, which are indicated in the Review;3) a substantial review of the article content is needed; recommendations for material improvement are indicated in the Review 4) to reject the article on the basis stated in the Review (the list of reasons for rejection: lack of alignment with the journal’s scope or relevance to the intended audience; plagiarism detection; breach of ethical publication standards; issues related to formatting and structural adherence; inadequate data presentation that hinders comprehension or replication; overreliance on outdated references or an excessive number of self-citations; subpar writing quality; employment of complex or inaccurate logic and data). The review process is up to 3 months.
- Acceptance for publication. In the case of recommendations for specific paper corrections during the review process, the corresponding author is required to submit the revised paper, accompanied by the file “Response to Reviewers’ Comments,” addressing all comments from the experts. The editorial board makes the ultimate decision regarding the publication recommendation for this article.
- Proofreading. The author must submit a certificate verifying that the manuscript has undergone professional English proofreading by a reputable service, such as Elsevier’s Author Service, Springer Nature Author Services, Taylor & Francis Editing Services, Wiley Editing Services and etc. This certificate will be required as a final step prior to publication. Authors who are native English speakers may provide a signed declaration confirming the quality of the manuscript’s language. The language quality will be evaluated accordingly.
- Preparation for publication. A technical editor meticulously examines all accepted manuscripts for publication to identify and rectify any stylistic or linguistic errors. In case of any queries, the managing editor collaborates with the author via email. The corresponding author is provided with the revised version of the paper for review and approval. If necessary, they make appropriate corrections and submit the final version to the editorial board. Substantial changes in the paper, such as introducing new results, correcting meanings, altering the manuscript title, or modifying authorship, are allowed only with the approval of the corresponding editor.
- Publication in open access. The final version of the paper will be published in the journal web-site and is available on the Internet. Corresponding authors will be informed about it by e-mail.
- Printing, circulation and dissemination. Printed copies of the journal are dispatched to libraries, and online version is sent to databases. To request physical copies of the journal, please reach out to the managing editor.