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Authors: Pages: 13-23 Language: Russian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of this study is systematization and allocation of types of knowledge that are (or can be) object of marketing activity; the definition of the purposes and objectives of marketing of knowledge in the information (post-industrial) economy (at macrolevel and level of the separate organization), and also features of its application in various areas of economy (human activity in general). The results of the analysis. For economy of Ukraine the support on information and knowledge can be one of the priority directions of development in line with the concept of an innovative advancing. It is possible because the country still has enough powerful system of knowledge production. But unfortunately this system si not developed enough.. Thus, for economy of Ukraine as a whole and for separate enterprises and establishments, the burning problem is definition of perspective directions of knowledge production (for economic reasons), and also search of effective ways of their distribution and commercialization. For its decision it is necessary to use marketing of knowledge. It shows specific of marketing methods and tools application to knowledge as to an intellectual product or as to opportunities of information (facts and rules) use in concrete areas of human activity. The author considers knowledge as opportunity to apply a certain set of facts and rules to solve in particular domain, they are intellectual goods and object of a market exchange. The generalized systematization of knowledge which, in contrast to existing, displays interrelations of certain types of knowledge is offered; it is established that object of marketing of knowledge is generally formalized documentary procedural (professional, technical) and not procedural (scientific) knowledge. The role and tasks of marketing of innovations at the present stage of information economy formation (economy of knowledge) as at macrolevel (state level), and at the level of the separate organizations is outlined. There have also been defined areas and activities in which it is appropriate to apply marketing of knowledge, and also typical tasks which can be solved are solved with its help. Considering that marketing of knowledge integrates some types of marketing, concrete types of marketing are defined. Their tools and methods are expedient to be used in marketing of knowledge to take into account specifics of particular spheres, or areas of human activity. Features of application of general, and also specific tools and methods to meet the challenges of marketing of knowledge (both strategic, and operational) according to the specifics areas of activity are detailed. Author’s systematization of general (traditional and modern), and also specific means of communication and promotion of different types of documentary knowledge is executed. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The received scientific results, conclusions and recommendations in aggregation develop conceptual bases of marketing of knowledge in accounting features of its application in various areas of human activity. Their practical use allows: reasonably manage marketing of knowledge at strategic and operational levels; to focus domestic system of knowledge producing on their the most perspective types; actively advance domestic education, intellectual achievements of scientists and practicians in the domestic and world markets; to form preconditions of domestic economy and its separate elements (enterprises and establishments) transition on innovative scientific and technological development. Keywords: knowledge management, structure of knowledge, knowledge marketing, knowledge production, promotion and commercialization of knowledge, management of marketing knowledge Cite as: Illiashenko, S. (2013). Application of marketing methods and instruments in knowledge management. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 13-23.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine