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Authors: Pages: 228-235 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The article highlights main demands and levels of realization of consumer cooperatives trade enterprises` diagnostics. We demonstrate the chain of marketing diagnostics; we offer the model of diagnostics process of marketing problems (opportunities) of cooperative trade enterprises. The results of the analysis. Marketing diagnostics is one of the marketing researches directions, which is matching of the researched object characteristics with comparison base for definition of object’s quality condition (its diagnosis). In the context of our research marketing diagnostics should be considered as separate technological module which enables to form development backgrounds of competitive marketing strategies of consumer cooperatives trade enterprises according to conditions of inner and outer environment. We consider the following demands of marketing diagnostics conduction of consumer cooperatives trade enterprises: authenticity, objectivity, accuracy, resultativity, systematicness, sequence, scientific foundation, flexibility, timeliness, effectiveness, validity. Strategic diagnostics is the direction of researches that is responsible for receiving the information, necessary for further functioning of the enterprise. We should refer to comparative researches of strategic state of enterprise economy portfolio, enterprise competitiveness estimation, and enterprise activity threats and possibilities definition. Tactical diagnostics is the researches direction which forms information for plans programs development. Economy interest matching of marketing activity participants in this situation gains special meaning. Due to this meaning the procedures of their sequence can be developed. We consider the mentioned type of diagnostics to be insufficiently researched nowadays, though it has significant importance in the process of managerial decisions supporting and making. The main task of operative diagnostics is defining deviation borders of enterprise functioning from planned target parameters. Methods of marketing diagnostics are: calculative (methods of comparison, organization and modeling) and heuristic (methods of estimation, searching-estimation). Diagnostics can be conducted by administration and enterprise workers, outer consultants, mixed groups of experts − inner and outer specialists in combination. Outer consultant’s attraction necessity appears while unforeseen, untypical situations in consumer cooperatives trade enterprises functioning. Marketing diagnostics which involves local specialists must be constant component in enterprises activities. The author of the article offers to conduct the chain of marketing diagnostics due to the following stages: interviewing of experts and staff; secondary information analysis; immediate contact with marketing diagnostics objects; preparing analytical information about marketing diagnostics results. In the process of problems and potential opportunities diagnostics, which appear while forming and realization competitive marketing strategies of consumer cooperatives trade enterprises, presence of marketing informational system is particularly important. It is part and parcel of information providing system of every enterprise subjects. Undoubtedly, application of marketing informational system favors to gaining while marketing researches, inner and outer information transformation into necessary resources for taking correspondent managerial decisions. But episodic marketing researches are unable to produce quality information about objective situation of further enterprise functioning. Process of enterprises and organizations development problems must have systematic character. We should note that creation and support of constantly working informational system is complicated in consumer cooperatives trade enterprises activity. In our case it is necessary to send separate functions, parts, stages of marketing researches to side-organizations, specializing upon providing necessary information to the subjects. Diagnostics of marketing problems (opportunities) of enterprises is a process at which further work is based all. Inner diagnostics includes the following research directions: analysis of product portfolio, assortment policy, expenses and profit norms due to current assortment of trade enterprise; analysis and diagnostics of main parameters of enterprise commercial activity; estimation of enterprise promotional activity; effectiveness estimation of main business process of trade enterprise; diagnostics of effectivity of managerial activity; diagnostics of staff and organizational structure of enterprise; estimation of correspondence of profit norms and market trade off availability due to each group of goods; marketing activities effectiveness analysis; analysis of general effectiveness of enterprise functioning and so on. Outer diagnostics is conducted according to such factors of macro and micro environment: macroenvironment condition, market condition, competitors, public opinion and consumer behavior, etc. Conclusions and directions of further researches. In conclusion we can state that analysis of inner and outer diagnostics criteria gives information about marketing potential and possibilities of reorientation of trade enterprises into market sufficient functioning concept due to which forming and management background of their competitive marketing strategies appear. Keywords: marketing diagnostics, trade enterprises, consumer cooperatives, levels of marketing diagnostics, external marketing diagnostics, internal marketing diagnostics Cite as: Krivoruchko, O. (2013). Marketing diagnostics in consumer cooperatives trade enterprises. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 228-235.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine