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Authors: Pages: 266-273 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of this research is to develope the mathematic model structure of result-oriented evaluation of corporate marketing potential in the context of management potential levels (operational, tactical and strategic) that takes into account multiple possible uses of marketing resources and various options for the development of corporate environment. The results of the analysis. The new scientific result of this research is represented by the developed structure of the system of analytical mathematic models for assessing marketing potential of the company in the context of its management levels – operational, tactical and strategic. According to the proposed system of models every level of marketing potential (operational, tactical and strategic) is described through a set of possible enterprise production sales volumes for different states of the environment parameters and the parameters of a certain level of marketing resources management at corresponding period of time (short, medium and long term). The proposed system of models has the following clue characteristics: marketing potential assessment is based on the result-oriented approach. It characterizes enterprise capability for creating demand for its products in different conditions of corporate environment and for different variants of managerial decisions concerning different parameters of production promotion and distribution (e.g. for different pricing options; different variants of corporate investment and innovations program); marketing potential assessment is implemented in the context of management levels of the potential – operational, tactical and strategic – so, it reflects operational, tactical and strategic capabilities of the company concerning production promotion and distribution; the models for assessing different levels of potential (operational, tactical and strategic) differ in such of ways: by specification of the resources` characteristics description; by set of predetermined managerial decisions; by description of parameters of the outer environment; as factors of corporate marketing potential there are considered characteristics of client-enterprise social and economic relations, that were built during previous periods of time; these characteristics include client expectations for products quality and corporate servicing; corporate marketing potential is considered in close interrelation with other components of the aggregate corporate potential (it is presumed that together with the production potential it determines possible volumes of financial inflows and the volume of corporate income from operational activity). Conclusions and directions of further researches. The proposed system of models is intended for acquiring result-oriented assessment of corporate marketing potential in the form of set of possible variants of products sales for different states of corporate environment and different variants of operational, tactical and strategic management of corporate marketing resources. The structure of models which are described in this work reflects the relation of corporate marketing activity results in short, medium and long-term periods of time with the main characteristics of corporate marketing resources, characteristics of corporate social and economic relations with clients, factors of the outer environment and different parameters of the resource management. The future research on this topic should be targeted at the disclosure of the specific analytical form of interrelations of the result-oriented indicators of corporate marketing activity with internal and external factors. Keywords: corporate marketing potential assessment, operational management, tactical management, strategic management, mathematic modelling, demand forecasting, corporate relations with customers, investment and innovative program of enterprise JEL Classification: C01, M30, M31. Cite as: Potrashkova, L. (2013). Corporate marketing potential assessment model in the context of operational, tactical and strategic levels. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 266-273.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine