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A.A. Shubin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky T.L. Mitiaeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Business, Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade
Pages: 81-91
Language: Russian
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The aim of the article. Through analysis of socio-economic relations in Ukraine and revealing their most significant dynamic changes it is important to create the most successful business management systems. We sought to assess the competitiveness of a particular company by its mobility and flexibility in adapting to a changing environment, as well as elaboration of a mechanism for evaluating effective segmentation.
Existing methods, models, techniques and tools used for the analysis of the segmentation process in the company and market, in our opinion, do not meet the specific market conditions for efficiency and inform decisions on segmentation and positioning of trademarks and brands. All this confirms the relevance of the study of marketing planning and proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the mechanism of the process of segmentation and positioning in the fast food market.
The main purpose of the article is to formulate a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of the results of the segmentation process and market positioning of fast food. One of the important criteria for marketing policy is determining the effectiveness of marketing research. In order to implement the effective marketing strategy we need to plan, monitor and evaluate marketing costs reliably.
The results of the analysis. Main processes of marketing activity of the company are planning this type of activity and determination of the major costs associated with it. Financial planning in this case is a key step in the overall planning of marketing research. The main purpose of marketing planning in the company is primarily to reduce the level of uncertainty and risk in the enterprise, as well as the concentration of resources in selected strategic areas. Developing a formal marketing plan is a key step in ensuring the effective implementation of the strategic marketing program because it clarifies what actions should be taken, when and by whom. Evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing strategy is conducted in two ways: qualitative and quantitative. The main quantitative targets set before marketing strategies deal with sales, market share and profitability.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. To determine the quantitative performance indicators segmentation, the authors of this study displayed the planned budget for «Tekhnokom» line of new products that satisfy the needs of the productive segment of «The Hunger clerks». This budget was developed for the period of two years with an optimistic view of the hypothesis, and 3 years on the pessimistic hypothesis. Based on the analysis of the budget plan, it was concluded that this marketing strategy is cost-effective, but also that efficient segmentation is attractive not only from a marketing standpoint, but also from economic and financial.
Keywords: economic mechanism, efficiency, concept, unmet needs, segmentation, consumer, target audience, positioning, marketing
JEL Classification: G31, L11, L19, M31.
Cite as: Shubin A. & Mitiaeva, T. (2014). Financial planning as a key criterion for the effectiveness of segmentation and positioning of fast food. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 81-91.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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