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O.O. Dyma, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman
Pages: 98-109
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. One of the most important trends of our time is the rapid growth of service sector in almost all countries, both developed and developing. Attention should be paid to intermediary services, which have specific characteristics – dualistic nature of needs, satisfaction of the producer and final consumer.
Today we can observe transformation of the intermediary’s role. Wholesalers are being replaced by logistics companies. Some functions of wholesalers are being fulfilled by manufacturers and retailers. Retailers, manufacturers and service companies are expanding their sphere of influence and are focusing their efforts on integration and coordination of participants in the value chain to ensure maximum satisfaction of consumer needs. Therefore, we need to make a critical analysis of the category of «intermediary services» and represent the author’s understanding of the category of «intermediary services».
The results of the analysis. Exploring a wide range of research papers devoted to the marketing of services allows us to conclude that it is difficult to distinguish between goods and services. In domestic and foreign literature, there are many definitions of services which are substantially different. Some definitions attempt to cover most of the features of services, while others can be quite vague, treating the «service» as «a specific type of product».
The variation in the definition of the «service» may be due to differences in approaches to understanding the «service». So we have identified four different approaches to the understanding of the service category, taking into account the whole process of consumption of services, ranging from the emergence of the need for a particular service to the satisfaction of this need.
The analysis has distinguished the following main characteristics present in the definitions of the «service»: process / result, consumer satisfaction, immateriality, tangibility, relationship. In addition to these characteristics, it is necessary to supplement the list with new ones that should be inherent in all goods and services in the current economic and social conditions. The advent of modern information technologies, changing social values and the transformation of consumption process (from individual ownership to joint consumption) require the following characteristics to be applied to «services»: sustainable development, mass customization and automation, the consumer’s active participation in the production process.
Intermediaries are able to implement the mentioned characteristics in the process of production and consumption, taking over the function of coordination and integration in the value chain.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Thus, definition of «service» needs consideration. Firstly, this is due to the dramatic changes in the nature of services. Secondly, the role of service organisation is changing. Thirdly, the actions that can be called «service» are numerous and varied, as well as objects to which these actions are directed. Fourth, the service sector is constantly changing, and the service is a flexible object whose boundaries vary depending on the intentions of the service supplier and / or customer. Fifthly, tangible goods can become a service fairly easily.
The traditional role of the intermediary is changing. This is due to large-scale changes in the system of consumption and they have strong impact on the nature of goods and services.
The task is becoming more complicated due to the individual character of intermediary services. It increases the risk of poor quality of service. On the other hand, immateriality and variability of services creates opportunities of continuous improvement of the service quality by adapting the procedure of performance. Permanent improvement of the quality of services will ensure a strong producer-middleman-consumer bond and profitable long-term cooperation.
It is important to deepen the understanding of the role of the intermediary in coordination and integration in the value creating network. It is necessary to pay attention to the role of intermediary organizations in the new information (electronic) economy.
Keywords: service, intermediary services, services marketing, characteristics of services, mediator
JEL Classification: M21, M31.
Cite as: Dyma, O. (2014). Contemporary understanding of the intermediary services. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 98-109.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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