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Authors: Pages: 117-125 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to develop the methodical frameworks for evaluation of financial and investment component of functionality of innovation-oriented enterprise belonged to machinery industry. The results of the analysis. The author has analyzed approaches to evaluation of financial and investment component of the innovation-oriented enterprise activity. The article detects the sense of financial and investment environmental system of the enterprise and its constituent environments. The author has proposed a system of indices for evaluation of financial and investment environmental system of the innovation-oriented enterprise belonged to machinery industry, showing enterprise functioning phases (functional maintenance, functional reproduction, functional expanded reproduction, functional innovative reproduction and economic return) and environments’ components (internal financial and investment support environment, business environment of financial relationships; investment and partnership environment, environment of financial and economic security). The article substantiates application of ratios of liquidity, solvency, financial stability, financial security, asset turnover, profitability and payback, which are distributed and adapted for evaluation of phases of functioning of machinery industry enterprises and evaluation of phases of functioning of machinery industry enterprises. The author has suggested to do the coefficient analysis of the innovative reproduction phase with the use of the following figures: a ratio of research engineering working capital financed by equity to total assets, an innovation-oriented assets ratio (the environment of internal financial support), a quick liquidity ratio of intangible assets (the business environment of financial relationships), a ratio of capital involved for innovations (the investment and partnership environment), ratio of financial independency of innovations (environment of financial and economic security) and, in addition, ratio of sale profitability related to innovative activity financial result, which is used for evaluation of economic return phase (innovative and partnership environment). Conclusions and directions of further researches. The author has substantiated that the analysis of the functionality of innovation-oriented enterprise of machinery industry should consist of financial and investment component evaluation, namely financial and investment environmental system owing to the coefficient analysis of its constituent environments, which contains figures of their functionality state. The further research will be aimed at the development of organizational and economic measures regarding providing balanced nature of the environments of financial and investment environmental system and enhancement of levels of the ratios indicating efficiency of functioning of its components. Keywords: financial and investment support, evaluation system, financial and investment environment, machinery industry enterprise JEL Classification: G31, М19, O14. Cite as: Boiarynova, К. (2016). Methodical frameworks for evaluation of financial and investment component of functionality of innovation-oriented enterprise belonged to machinery industry. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 117-125.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine