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Authors: Pages: 144-156 Language: Ukrainian DOI:
Abstract The aim of the article. The main aim of this article is objectivation of scientific and methodical approach for solutions in the sphere of industrial enterprises functioning and development which allows to find out the compromise between the necessity to increase financial equilibrium of the enterprise as the economic system and the necessity to increase the major financial and business indicators. The results of the analysis. A scientific and methodical approach to decision-making in the field of balanced functioning and development of the industry based on the use of optimized models with the objective function of maximizing the integral index of the balance, which allows you to choose an optimal set and create a schedule of activities associated with emergency response to imbalances, taking into account the balance factors in decision-making and systematic increase in the enterprises balanced functioning and development. Three areas of decision-making in the field of industrial enterprises balanced functioning and development are specified: the planned activities related to the increase in the balance of the enterprise as an economic system; emergency response to the identified imbalances; accounting of balance factors in decision-making, the goals of which are not associated with the increase in the balance. It is rationalizes that since for the balanced state increase it is necessary to spend certain resources (time, financial, material, labor, etc.), the decision usually comes down to the choice of available alternatives as to solutions that will maximize the system balance in resource-limited settings. Using the tools of mathematical programming optimization models to select the optimal set of activities and the arrangement of schedule for their implementation were developed. It is suggested two variants for functioning models: to maximize the average balance indicator during the arranged period at the assigned level of basic financial and business indicators and to maximize financial and business indicators (for example, the assets at the end of the arranged period) at assigned level of integral balance indicator during the arranged period. The specific nature of industrial enterprise in the model is taken into account by the inclusion in the model of production requirements, financial streams, market environment parameters (demand and price level). Conclusions and directions of futher researches. The model allows you to choose from available alternatives and build an optimal set schedule of activities associated with emergency response to imbalances that take into account the balance in decision-making and systematically improve the balance of the enterprise operation and development. The essence of the approach to management decisions is that the solutions are a compromise between the need to improve the enterprise balance as of an economic system, and the need to improve the basic financial and economic indicators. Keywords: industrial enterprise, management of development, mechanism, imbalance, balanced development JEL Classification: C20, L69, O20. Cite as: Коvеrhа, S. (2016). Models and methods of decision-making in the management of industrial enterprises’ balanced development. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 144-156.
Sumy State University
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine