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Ie.V. Khlobystov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Aspects of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, SI «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» (Kyiv, Ukraine), Habilitated Doctor, Professor, University of Economics and Humanities (Bielsko-Biala, Poland) I.V. Segeda, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation of Power Processes and System Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kyiv, Ukraine) A.I. Podolska, Assistant Professor of the Department of Automation of Power Processes and System Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Pages: 236-246
Language: Ukrainian
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The aim of the article. The purpose of the article is to identify potential and probable factors of environmental conflicts (EC) larger amount of energy component of natural resource complex (NRC). Development of natural resource complex occurs in several ways to use them, in particular, with the position of the energy component of these methods were not considered in modern ecological and economic studies. The use of NRC for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency may determine through the essence of the principles and approaches to identifing of the potential of EC that can be implemented by defining the opportunities for renewable energy, usage of recreational, balneological and assimilation functions of natural resource complex and expensive analysis of these features, given the potential conflict of territorial development.
The results of the analysis. Natural resource conflicts are the result of conflicts caused by limited quantity and quality of natural resources as between entities within the territorial social and economic systems and between different territorial systems.
Energy potential of NRC can be defined as a set of certain characteristics, situation and processes that form the state energy supply a certain area at the projected use of resources. Energy potential of NRC includes such elements as natural resources and environmental sustainability, capacities for production, processing and transportation of energy. At the same time this potential has the dualistic nature, being the component part of both natural recourses and productive potential of the region.
It is necessary to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively potential minerals. Quantitative characteristic provides identification of stocks of raw materials or fuel in the field of NRC, which can be used. They are divided on two type’s balance and off-balance sheet. To balance belong reserves, production and processing of which are economically viable in the achieved level of technology. The off-balance sheet reserves of coal production, which caused a minor content of mineral substances and challenging environment developments, will be costly and inappropriate.
Quality characteristics of minerals, substances to industrial processing, provides an opportunity to determine the relative content of useful component in mineral raw materials and receipt in a key component, other valuable elements and their combination
The main approaches to an assessment of energy potential of the territory and NRC are analyzed in the article. It should be noted that the majority of assessments of EP territory includes only an assessment of traditional energy resources, without taking into account the lost non -recoverable and renewable energy sources. In our opinion, the totality of energy resources (remediation and lost non-recoverable) and tools for meeting demand is the energy potential of the region. And it is energy potential NRES and RES is an alternative to power grids.
Today there is a mechanisms for stimulating production technologies of nontraditional RES, which are used in different countries, divided into two groups: administrative (undertaken by central and regional (district) authorities); economic (what are implemented through the provision of public and private investment on technologies based on non-traditional RES, and their implementation; release from some taxes or reduce them; regulation of tariffs for heat generated by units of RES and other mechanisms of economic impact that increase their competitiveness in comparison with traditional technologies of energy.
It is high time to develop methodological approaches to systemic integral energy potential of NRC as within the territorial steps localization inside and outside. The conducted research allows to make conclusions about destructive ecological influence natural resource conflicts on development of NRC which manifests itself in the form of economic losses to subjects of natural resources within certain area, and in the end is not completely used its economic potential. Now the development of energy potential of NRC practically does not taught in the framework of ecological danger, moreover, generating environmental conflicts may be hidden shape conflicts of political, social and economic white flour.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. Energy component of NRC must be considered from the positions of systemic approach, demanded, environment and identify current and remote in time advantages, consistency and expediency of social, economic, security, etc. Identification of EC may be performed by the following ways: determining contradictions and interests within available of NRC and those that will be (can be formed in the process of transformation of the natural resources and functional purpose territory, detection of contradictions sphere of distribution of benefits and benefits in the framework of renewable power technologies and usage of resources, identifying the contradictions within the reduction of prices on traditional use of NRC and within their complex development, not capitalized advantages (assimilation, assimilation recreational, cultural and historical etc.).
Keywords: environmental conflicts (EC), natural resource complex (NRC), potential of conflict, environmental and economic challenges
JEL Classification: О13, Q42.
Cite as: Khlobystov, Ie., Segeda I. & Podolska, A. (2016). Potential environmental conflicts in the area of the energy component of natural resource complex. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 236-246.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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