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O. Maslak, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Kremenchuk, Ukraine) N. Grishko, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Kremenchuk, Ukraine) K. Vorobiova, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Kremenchuk, Ukraine) O. Hlazunova, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
Pages: 169-183
Language: English
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The aim of the article is to develop the key recommendations for optimizing the management mechanism of the intellectual capital of Ukraine taking into account the main determinants of its structural components development.
The results of the analysis. It has been determined that the intellectual capital represents the basis of the national economy’s innovation development, ensures the activation of the national economy branches with the high added value. It has been also defined that in the structure of the intellectual capital is reasonable to distinguish three components such as the human, structural and market capitals. The human capital includes knowledge, skills, the qualification level of the labour force; the structural capital includes the results of knowledge and innovative ideas commercialization; the market capital reflects the level of the country’s innovation activity, the stability of its positions among the partners, the prestige as a country that has chosen and implements the innovative model of development.
In this article we provide a detailed statistical analysis of the development level of human, structural and market capitals of Ukraine. It has been established that while a sufficiently high level of personnel education and professionalism are available, there are some problems connected with the development of the intellectual capital of the country: the low wages of scientists and innovation-active staff, the lack of government support for the scientific and technological development, the existence of the gap in the chain “science – production”, the poor investment and innovative infrastructure and poor investment climate in the country.
In order to determine more accurately the “bottlenecks” in the development of the intellectual capital of the country we propose a comprehensive approach to the evaluation of the intellectual capital development level. This approach provides a synthesis of the partial indicators’ set based on their importance. It has been determined that the development level of the intellectual capital of Ukraine was characterized by positive dynamics during 2011-2012, but since 2013 it has been characterized by negative changes as a result of general social and economic situation worsening, political instability, external aggression and the beginning of the hybrid war in the east of the country.
It has been determined that many problems connected with the development of the intellectual capital in Ukraine remain unsettled. Among them are the following: the formation of the atmosphere of general interest in the intellectuals’ work; the educational system transformation to a new level of work, that guarantees individual needs and desires realization, personality development; the intensive development of advanced domestic spheres of science; the ensuring the effective links between science and economy; the improvement of the intellectual property protection legislation; the ensuring the consistency between the level of human capital, educational level of staff and quality of life in the country.
To define the main directions of the management mechanism development of the intellectual capital in Ukraine a multifactor correlation-regression model of development of the intellectual capital has been also built and the main determinants of its changes have been determined.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The following ways of the management process optimization of the intellectual capital of Ukraine have been formed: the innovation and investment activities strengthening, in particular the attraction of foreign and government investment to the intellectual capital formation and development; the carrying out an active state policy on the labor market to enhance the prestige of the scientists’ work and to ensure the high level of the labour mobility; the increasing of the social guarantees level; the integration with the international scientific community; the improvement of the scientific work motivation mechanisms; the development of the intercompany, external and international technologies transfers system; the improvement of the investment climate in Ukraine.
The main areas of further research will be the development of approaches to managing the intellectual capital of the country in a changing environment, as well as the issue of enhancing the favorable innovation image of Ukraine.
Keywords: intellectual capital, correlation-regression analysis, integral indicator, human capital, structural capital, market capital
JEL Classification: J24, O15, O34.
Cite as: Maslak, O., Grishko, N., Vorobiova, K., & Hlazunova, O. (2018). The optimization of the management mechanism of the intellectual capital of Ukraine. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 169-183.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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